As Singapore opens more vaccination slots to its residents, those of the non-human kind seem to be showing interest too.
One orange cat, in particular, was spotted waiting in line for its turn at Clementi Community Centre (CC) recently.
Twitter user Wai Hong shared the adorable scene on 11 Jul.
The post has since gone viral with over 13,000 retweets at the time of writing.
While vaccination appointments tend to be rather unexceptional, those waiting for their turn at Clementi CC on 11 Jul had a different experience.
Instead of seeing another person on one of the seats, they spotted this orange cat sitting nonchalantly.
Like any kaypoh person, it seemed to be showing interest in what the people nearby were talking about.
The scene was so amusing that Wai Hong, who was also waiting in line, decided to capture it.
Speaking to MS News, Wai Hong explained that the cat is a community cat that Clementi residents often see in the area.
Perhaps the feline heard from its Hougang buddy that vaccinations are now available to all Singaporeans.
Many netizens were tickled by the post, with some jokingly demanding that the cat be vaccinated.
Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to be the feline’s lucky day.
Likely due to hygiene concerns, healthcare workers promptly and gently lifted the cat up from the seat and carried it out of the vaccination centre.
Wai Hong told MS News that the workers were extremely professional, immediately wiping down and sanitising the chair after.
That way, the seat would be clean for the next person in line.
While the cat’s presence at the vaccination centre was short-lived, we hope it still made everyone’s day. Maybe the furry friend even calmed the nerves of those who were anxious about getting their jabs.
However people may feel about the kitty, we’re certain of one thing — it has truly lived up to the entertaining reputation oyens have built.
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Featured image adapted from @ohohwaihong on Twitter.
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