
10 New Covid-19 Cases Include 6 Linked To SAFRA Jurong Cluster & 2 Indonesia Imports

Singapore Has 160 Covid-19 Cases As Of 9 Mar, 93 Recovered

The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced on Monday (9 Mar) that there are 10 new cases of Covid-19, with 6 linked to a 15 Feb dinner at SAFRA Jurong.

Singapore has 160 cases in total, while 3 more patients were discharged, meaning 93 have recovered from Covid-19.

1 new case is linked to the Life Church and Missions Singapore, while 3 appear to be imported.

Man already recovered from Covid-19 before tests confirmed

Case 151 is a 51-year-old Singaporean related to other Paya Lebar church members, and had visited both GPs and polyclinics on 4 occasions after developing symptoms on 4 Feb:

  • a clinic on 5 and 13 Feb;
  • Yishun Polyclinic on 8 and 13 Feb.

Although he’d recovered from Covid-19, he was retroactively linked to the Mei Hwan Drive cluster where a Chinese New Year gathering was held, and was referred to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) on 22 Feb.

Test results on 8 Mar showed he had a prior Covid-19 infection. Because he’d recovered by then, he’s currently not in hospital.

Imported cases include 2 from Indonesia

There are 3 imported cases announced on 9 Mar.

Case 152 is an 65-year-old Indonesian who came to Singapore on 7 Mar. He’d had symptoms since 28 Feb in Indonesia and also went to a hospital in Jakarta on 2 Mar before reporting to Singapore General Hospital (SGH).



It’s not known if he came to Singapore specifically to get treated, but test results on 8 Mar showed he had Covid-19.

Case 153 is Singaporean but appears to have caught the virus in Indonesia from 25 to 28 Feb. The 65-year-old was visiting her sister, who had pneumonia.

She, too, is currently warded at SGH after having an onset of symptoms on 3 Mar, and lives in Jalan Teck Whye.

The last imported case is from a 52-year-old British national, who arrived in Singapore on 6 Mar. Not much more information was offered in the MOH announcement.

New SAFRA Jurong cluster cases include 2 PRs and 1 Malaysian work-pass holder

The following 6 cases are all part of the SAFRA Jurong cluster.

  • Case 155 is a 47-year-old Malaysian who works in Singapore. She has no travel history to affected Covid-19 countries and is warded in NCID.
  • Case 156 is a 50-year-old Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) who similarly hasn’t travelled to affected countries. She’s also warded in NCID.
  • Case 157 is a 54-year-old PR and warded in NCID. She also has a link to Case 137.
  • Case 158 is a 53-year-old Singaporean and is currently at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH).
  • Case 159 is a 59-year-old Singaporean, also warded at NTFGH.
  • Case 160 is 5 years old, and is a family member of Case 145. He’s warded at KK Hospital.

3 more discharged cases on 9 Mar, 93 total recovered

3 cases were discharged from hospital on 9 Mar, and they should be fully recovered, along with the 90 before them.

67 cases are in hospital, and 10 of them are in critical condition — 1 more from yesterday. We wish them well and that they recover.

Grab employee who tested positive on 7 Mar worked at Marina One office, premises cleaned

A Grab spokesperson told MS News that a Grab employee who worked at Marina One West Tower was diagnosed with Covid-19 on 7 Mar.

Also read:

Following the news, they closed all of their Marina One offices for cleaning and those who worked in the affected offices are currently working from home until 11 Mar.

Grab are also cooperating with authorities as they conduct contact tracing with those who may have come into contact with the employee.

They also noted that the employee was not working on the frontline.

Featured image adapted from Dormatic.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.

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