False declarations of your health and symptoms are a serious public health concern, especially when it pertains to the highly contagious Covid-19.
Authorities found that a Singaporean who’d travelled from Indonesia had declared no symptoms relating to Covid-19 upon arrival in Singapore on 17 Nov.
This is even though he had shortness of breath and onset of symptoms since 11 Nov.
On 18 Nov, Case 58,343 was confirmed with Covid-19 and he was added as an imported case today by MOH.
There are 4 import cases today.
Case 58,343 had arrived in Singapore from Indonesia on 17 Nov.
As part of his immigration clearance, the 67-year-old had to fill up a health declaration form.
MOH said that he had shortness of breath – a Covid-19 symptom – but failed to declare this in the form.
As such, authorities are now investigating if he breached any travel requirements.
According to MOH, he reported onset of symptoms since 11 Nov — 6 days before arriving in Singapore.
Yesterday, authorities announced that 8 travellers had potentially breached travel requirements and given false information.
To be able to serve their Stay-Home Notice (SHN) in their chosen place of residence, they must not be living with others who are serving the same SHN duration.
However, checks on these travellers revealed that they were living with others who weren’t on the same SHN.
They were hence moved to dedicated facilities, and may be charged in court for false declarations.
This is a reminder that you shouldn’t try to lie in your health declaration forms, as the ramifications can be severe.
MOH urges everyone to keep being socially responsible.
Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at hello@mustsharenews.com.
Featured image adapted from TTG Asia.
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