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Abby Choi’s Ex-Husband & Former In-Laws Charged With Murder, Investigations Ongoing

Abby Choi’s Ex-Husband & His Family Detained Without Bail

The ex-husband of Abby Choi and three of his family members were charged on Sunday (26 Feb) following the discovery of the Hong Kong model’s body parts in a house.

Source: HK01

Choi’s former husband Alex Kwong, his father Kwong Kau, and brother Anthony Kwong were charged with her murder. His mother, Jenny Li, was charged with obstructing the course of justice.

They were all denied bail and are currently remanded.

A 47-year-old woman, believed to be a mistress of Kwong Kau, was also arrested.

Former family members of Abby Choi charged with murder, obstructing justice

The three male defendants were charged with one count of murder, HK01 reported.

They are suspected of killing her in a unit in Tai Po on 21 Feb.

Alex Kwong was also charged with seven counts of theft related to a previous investigation.

The murder case was then adjourned to 8 May for further investigations, including forensics and call record checks.

Li reportedly tried to apply for bail through her lawyer, but this was rejected.

Body parts of Abby Choi found in house

Parts of Choi’s body were found in a refrigerator last Friday (24 Feb) in a house rented by Kwong Kau.


Source: HK01

Police found clothes as well as a meat slicer and an electric saw that day.

On Sunday, police found more body parts, including a skull, in a cooking pot taken from the house.

Choi’s torso and hands are still missing. Police said on Monday (27 Feb) that they will search a landfill for these parts from today onwards.

They suspect that some of her body parts were discarded.

Former father-in-law was a police sergeant

Though Kwong Kau is now retired, the 65-year-old used to be a police sergeant and resigned in 2005 following an alleged rape case.

Police are investigating the case on the basis that he masterminded the murder.

Kwong Kau was allegedly unhappy over Choi’s plans to sell a property, which was registered under his name.

Choi’s ex-husband Alex Kwong, who is reportedly unemployed, was arrested on Saturday on Lantau Island. He is believed to have had plans to flee Hong Kong.

Anthony Kwong, 31, was Choi’s personal driver as well as her business partner at one point.

They previously owned companies that sold pancakes, but they fell into debt. Regardless, Kwong and Choi were said to be close.

Police do not believe that Jenny Li was involved in the murder, although they believe she was aware of what her family members intended to do.

Choi leaves behind four children: two she had with Alex Kwong, and two with her second husband Chris Tam, who has promised to take care of all four children.

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Featured image adapted from @xxabbyc on Instagram and Reuters via The Independent.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.

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