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Fire engulfed Ang Mo Kio coffee shop in early hours of 11 June, 18 residents evacuated

Fire at Ang Mo Kio coffee shop likely originated from unattended cooking

In the early hours of Tuesday (11 June), a fire broke out at a coffee shop at Block 407 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10.

Source: Facebook

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) shared via a Facebook post that it was alerted to the fire at about 2.40am on Tuesday (11 June).

Source: Singapore Civil Defence Force on Facebook

The fire involved a coffee shop at the block, which responders extinguished using four water jets.

Source: Singapore Civil Defence Force on Facebook

SCDF added that most of the stalls sustained damage from the fire. The rest of the coffee shop also had considerable heat and smoke damage.

Images posted to Facebook show SCDF officials putting out the fire, which engulfed the entire coffee shop.

Source: Singapore Civil Defence Force on Facebook

Another picture showed the aftermath of the fire and the charred remnants of the kopitiam.

Source: Singapore Civil Defence Force on Facebook

In addition, images by 8world News revealed that the authorities had surrounded the coffee shop with a barricade.

Source: 8world News on Facebook

In a subsequent report, Lianhe Zaobao revealed that nine stalls had “completely burned down”.

Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong was also spotted at the scene of the fire on Tuesday (11 June) afternoon engaging with affected hawkers.

18 residents evacuated from units

According to SCDF, the police evacuated 18 residents from units on the second level.


SCDF added that the fire likely originated from unattended cooking within one of the stalls.

As such, SCDF took the opportunity to urge the public to adhere to the following tips to prevent such fires:

  • Do not leave cooking unattended
  • Do not place flammable materials near heat sources
  • Keep stove and its surrounding area free from grease and oil stains

Also read: 50 residents evacuate after fire breaks out along Bedok South HDB corridor, PAB battery may be cause

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Featured image adapted from Singapore Civil Defence Force on Facebook.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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