
Lee Hsien Loong, Goh Chok Tong & other veterans attend wedding of George Yeo’s daughter

Lee Hsien Loong, Goh Chok Tong & more attend wedding of Edwina Yeo, daughter of George Yeo

Edwina Yeo, the only daughter of Singapore’s ex-Foreign Minister George Yeo, got married over the weekend and the ceremony reportedly saw many big names in attendance.

Most notably, Senior Minister (SM) Lee Hsien Loong, Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong, former military chief Winston Choo, and other influential figures in public service were allegedly at the ceremony.

George Yeo took to Facebook to thank those who made time to go to the ceremony, as well as the religious leaders who officiated the wedding and prayed for his family in difficult times.

He also took the opportunity to convey his well-wishes to the newlyweds.

Daughter of George Yeo got married on 18 May

According to George Yeo’s Facebook page, the family held the wedding festivities on Saturday (18 May).

In a separate update on Sunday (19 May), the former politician penned his reflections about the event in a lengthy Facebook post, along with photographs of the reception.

On behalf of not only himself but also his wife, Mrs Jennifer Yeo, he expressed gratitude for everyone who had a part to play in his only daughter’s wedding.

Firstly, he thanked his new in-laws, Dr Cheng Huai Nan and Mrs Julia Cheng, for “the gift of [their] only son David to [the Yeo’s] only daughter Edwina”.

Source: George Yeo on Facebook

“Huai Nan and Julia, I tell Edwina she is my favourite daughter. David must be your favourite son. We hope they will enhance each other in marriage and draw our families together,” he wrote.


Ministers present & past, as well as public service titans, attended the wedding

Next, he thanked the people from the public service and private sectors who have impacted the family’s life in one way or another.

Left to right: Lee Hsien Loong, Goh Chok Tong, and George Yeo. Source: National Archives of Singapore, for illustration purposes only.

He said he is “particularly grateful” for the attendance of many of his “old bosses”. They include:

  • Former Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Lieutenant-General and diplomat Winston Choo
  • Veteran diplomat Tan Chin Tiong
  • Former Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) commander Mike Teo
  • Former Deputy Commander of RSAF Gary Yeo
  • Public service veteran Lim Siong Guan
  • Former A*STAR Chairman Philip Yeo
  • Ex-People’s Action Party (PAP) Member-of-Parliament (MP) for Aljunied Chin Harn Tong
  • Former Cabinet Minister Lee Yiok Suan, father of current National Development Minister Desmond Lee.
  • ESM Goh Chok Tong
  • SM Lee Hsien Loong

George Yeo added: “Many of your have travelled a long way to be with us, in fact, from all the continents except South America. My wife and I are very touched by your friendship. We know you made a special effort to be here with us today. We would like to recognise the presence of many former ministers, including old colleagues from ASEAN.”

He also invited some “younger guests” to the wedding that he has befriended over the years, he said.

It is our good fortune to continue enjoying the friendship of younger people in Singapore, ASEAN, Hong Kong, and beyond. They enrich our lives and broaden our perspective of the world in all its aspects.

Thanked family & friends for helping the family in their journey

The former Foreign Minister then proceeded to thank family and friends for guiding the family in their journey, especially his wife’s parents, who helped raise their four children while he was busy with politics and his wife was busy with her law practice.

Source: George Yeo on Facebook

Additionally, he expressed his gratitude to the priests who officiated the marriage and conducted the wedding mass, as well as religious leaders who prayed for his family in times of hardship.

“This is the first marriage in our family. Perhaps it comes a bit late. We were late in having our first child. When we finally got the engine started, we did not stop and proceeded to have our four children within five years. Inshaallah, we hope to catch up again.”

Source: George Yeo on Facebook

Finally, he conveyed his well-wishes to his daughter and son-in-law, simply writing: “David and Edwina, mum and I bless you in your holy union. May you be blessed with children and may your lives be a blessing to others.”

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from George Yeo on Facebook

Valerie Yuam

This journalist is working really hard and couldn't write a description, but if they aren't, what have you been reading?

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