S’pore Teacher Lets Students Pick How To Say Good Morning In Heartwarming Video

DPS Primary Students Dance, Hug, High Five, Or Shake Hands To Greet Their Teacher

Many of us remember greeting our teachers with a monotonous and almost robotic voice back in primary school.

This school in Singapore has now transformed the dreary ritual into something truly heartwarming.


DPS Primary Blossoms, an international school, recently uploaded an endearing clip showing a class of students lining up to greet their teacher in exactly 4 different ways.

Here’s the adorable video in full. Be warned, it’s going to make you feel all fuzzy on the inside.

Kids press buttons to pick morning greetings

A monotonous “good morning cher” uttered in unison was an iconic greeting we bestowed upon our teachers daily, but students from this class are allowed to choose 1 of 4 morning greetings — a dance, high five, hug or handshake.


Students would first press a ‘button’ against the wall to ‘select’ their preferred form of greeting. Their teacher would then lead both of them in performing the action.



4 adorable ways to say good morning

Hugging does seem like the most popular morning greeting if this video is anything to go by. We’re squealing internally at how satisfied this student seems from her choice.


High fives came in a close second with a whopping 7 votes.


But we think the dance greeting is officially  the cutest by far. Both the teacher and student wiggle their hips and hands in a little dance that truly warms our hearts.


Okay, we admit that the more formal greeting of an awkward handshake is growing on us too.


The perfect way to start school

Needless to say, every student entered the class with a wide grin on their face — the perfect way to start a long day at school.


This good morning ritual was first seen in kindergartens and primary schools in the US.

One teacher who implemented this system shared that she hopes these “small, simple gestures of friendship and kindness” will stay with her children for the rest of their lives.

Most importantly, the simple routine also teaches young students the value of consent from a tender age.

Beautiful way to begin the day

Major props to the caring teacher & DPS Primary Blossoms for creating a way for these kids to start their day right.

Perhaps this could pave the way for other kindergartens and primary schools in Singapore to implement a similar ‘good morning system’ too.

If we had this routine to look forward to in schools, we would all be happy little troopers indeed.

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Jay Lo

Jay has an unhealthy obsession with Pokemon. He thinks he's qualified enough to be a member of the Elite 4.

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