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510,000 travellers cross S’pore-JB checkpoints on 13 June before Hari Raya Haji long weekend

ICA warns of heavy traffic at land checkpoints over Hari Raya Haji weekend

The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) reported that 510,000 travellers passed through Woodlands and Tuas Checkpoints on 13 June before the Hari Raya Haji long weekend.

Traffic is expected to remain heavy at the checkpoints throughout the weekend.

Those travelling through the land checkpoints during this period are advised to allow extra time for immigration clearance, follow traffic rules, maintain traffic discipline, and cooperate with officers on-site.

Travellers advised to allow for extra time for immigration clearance

ICA shared the alert on Facebook yesterday (14 June).

It stated that on 13 June, more than 510,000 travellers had cleared the Woodlands and Tuas Checkpoints.

Heavy traffic at both land checkpoints will continue into the weekend leading up to Hari Raya Haji on 17 June.

Source: Immigration & Checkpoints Authority on Facebook

Travellers using the Woodlands and Tuas checkpoints during the period are advised to allow for additional time for immigration clearance.

“ICA also seeks travellers’ understanding and cooperation to be patient, observe traffic rules, maintain lane discipline, and cooperate with officers on-site when using the land checkpoints,” said ICA.

Source: Immigration & Checkpoints Authority on Facebook

ICA also advised motorists to keep up to date on the traffic situation via its Facebook page.

Also read: S’pore checkpoints see massive jams before Good Friday long weekend with more than 4 hours’ wait


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Featured image adapted from Immigration & Checkpoints Authority on Facebook and Immigration & Checkpoints Authority on Facebook.

Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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