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Hotpot Place In JB Lets You Have Surprise ‘Dates’ Over Bubbling Pots Of Broth

Xing Fu Xiao Guo Hotpot In JB Lets Single Diners Talk To The Person Opposite Them At Special Booths

Nothing warms you up on a rainy day like a sumptuous hotpot with good company. But having good company doesn’t always come easy in our busy lives.

Enter Xing Fu Xiao Guo (幸福小锅) , a hotpot restaurant in Johor Bahru that opened its doors on Thursday (13 Sep).

Their slogan means “There’s no such thing as a lonely hotpot meal” in Chinese

They allow you to meet and talk to strangers, if you’re seated at their special booths, with just the push of a button.


With this matchmaking concept in mind, perhaps the person sitting opposite you could be your next bae.

Single customers sit at special booths

If you come to the restaurant alone, you will be seated at a special booth, which has a divider that separates you from another diner.


A button can be found at the bottom of the booth. You can press it to meet the stranger sitting opposite you. Let the surprise date begin.

Hotpots & bubble milk teas

The hotpot restaurant has a myriad of soup bases available. These include Pork Bone, Mala, Tomato and even Satay Laksa. All of them are available from S$1.95 (RM5.90).



Hotpot restaurants are known for their wide range of dishes, and Xing Fu Xiao Guo is no exception.

They serve a wide variety of dishes ranging from pork to seafood.


Furthermore, hotpot isn’t the only thing you 2 can bond over with. They have desserts here to help you sweeten up the ‘date’.


For you bubble tea lovers out there, don’t worry, they’ve got you covered too. They serve in-house milk tea that will surely satisfy your cravings.


1-hour drive from Woodlands

Xing Fu Xiao Guo is beside AEON Mall Kulaijaya, which is a roughly a 1-hour drive from Woodlands Checkpoint.

Xing Fu Xiao Guo (幸福小锅)

Address: 62&63, Jalan Kenanga 29/5 Indahpura, 81000
Opening hours: Sun-Thurs 12pm-11pm; Fri-Sat 12pm-1am
Number: +6010-283 3383

If you find yourself in JB and craving for some hotpot, you can consider heading to the restaurant for a unique dining experience. Who knows, you might very well meet your next date there.

Featured image adapted from Facebook and Facebook.

Ong Ming Zhi

When Ming Zhi is not writing, he is probably somewhere with his camera. Oh, he loves spicy food too.

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