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Keanu Reeves look-alike goes viral in Thailand, does odd jobs like dish washing and selling street food

Keanu Reeves look-alike in Thailand draws crowds while doing odd jobs

Clips of a Keanu Reeves look-alike in Thailand have become wildly popular in Thailand. In the clips, the familiar-looking man is seen doing odd jobs like selling Thai tea at a night market or washing dishes from a street food stall.

Netizens have speculated if this was John Wick taking on a new mission in Thailand. Or perhaps he was just finally settling down and retiring there.

John Wick look-alike takes photos with locals

Over the past week, TikTok user @tuktiklife has posted several clips of a Keanu Reeves look-alike who has taken Thai netizens by storm.

He was first spotted at a local mall taking photos with locals. As if not endearing enough, he even returned their wais (Thai greeting) with a native-like form.

Source: @tuktiklife on TikTok

The next few clips have him donning traditional Thai costumes akin to John Wick disguising himself for an assassination mission.

His tall stature, long hair, and signature John Wick beard have turned the Keanu look-alike into an instant local attraction.

Using his skills to do local gigs

But his popularity online really took off when he started doing odd jobs that were seemingly out of character for the assassin persona.

Source: @tuktiklife on TikTok

In one clip, he can be seen brewing a local Thai tea at a night market. In another, he can be seen arriving on a motorcycle to cook octopus to sell as street food. And in yet another clip, he was even seen sitting in a small chair and washing the dishes.

Thailand-based German man who was also a hit in Germany

In a recent interview with Thai media, the Keanu Reeves look-alike revealed himself to be a German named Andreas.


Thai PBS reported that he had married a Thai woman named Kanchalee Promma whom he met four years ago. Her wife affectionately calls him a nickname, Mr Woonsen, which means “glass noodle” in Thai.

According to the interview, he was originally blonde but he decided to dye it black for a carnival when his wife thought he looked just like the gun-slinging renegade, John Wick.

The interview also mentioned that this was not the first time Andreas has been mistaken for the internet darling Keanu Reeves. Back in Germany, he also became a sensation for the uncanny resemblance, with people contacting him for event appearances.

While the real Keanu might be busy shooting movies in LA, his look-alike has stolen Thai hearts.

MS News has reached out to the OP for more information.

Also read: New Bacteria Named After Keanu Reeves Proves Fatal Against Fungus Infections

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Featured image adapted from @tuktiklife on TikTok

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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