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Lorry crash injures mechanic repairing vehicle on BKE

Mechanic injured after lorry crashes into vehicle he was repairing

On Monday (20 May), a 24-year-old mechanic in Singapore identified as Mr Ji was repairing a lorry on a road shoulder when another heavy vehicle crashed into it.

According to a Shin Min Daily report, the lorry crash happened at 4.30pm on the Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE) towards the Pan Island Expressway (PIE), after the Woodlands Avenue 3 exit.

As a result of the accident, two individuals — the mechanic and one of the lorry drivers — were conveyed to the hospital.

The lorry driver reportedly required surgery after fracturing his ribs.

49-year-old lorry driver sustains fractures after crash

A witness told Shin Min Daily News that the collision involved a Malaysian-registered white lorry, a Singapore-registered green lorry, and a van driven by the mechanic.

Recalling the incident, Mr Ji told the news site that he had been repairing the underside of the white lorry for about half an hour when he heard a loud bang.

Suddenly, he found himself at the rear wheel of the vehicle. The mechanic sustained injuries to his left knee, scalp, and hands.

Meanwhile, the driver of the white lorry — who was standing next to the vehicle during the repairs — was hit by the green lorry.

Fortunately, two civil defence vehicles, two ambulances and traffic police arrived at the scene in less than 10 minutes.

The two injured men were then sent to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital for treatment.


Lorry driver asked to check on the other driver first

While the driver of the green lorry did not sustain injuries, he was trapped in his vehicle after the lorry crash.

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) personnel helped him climb out of the lorry through a ladder.

A spokesperson from the logistics company to which the green lorry belonged told Shin Min that the white lorry and the mechanic’s van were parked next to the expressway.

However, he noted the absence of fences or breakdown triangles to signal ongoing repair works.

A 33-year-old male lorry driver is assisting the police with investigations.

Also read: Hit-and-run accident involving 5 vehicles on BKE sends 2 to hospital

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News.

Kim Shelly Tan

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