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S’pore Man Loses 35kg Within 8 Months Before Son’s Birth, Wants To Be A Healthy Father

Man Loses 35kg Before Son’s Birth

We often think of fathers having the typical ‘dad bod‘. But when 33-year-old Terence Koh found out he would soon be a father, it sparked a newfound motivation to get healthier.

On Tuesday (26 Jul), he shared his weight-loss journey on TikTok, showing how he lost 35kg in eight months and transformed from having a ‘dad bod’ to being absolutely ripped.

When his son was born in Jul 2021, Terence was glad to have been able to deliver on his promise of being a healthy dad to him.

Man loses 35kg in eight months

Speaking to AsiaOne, Terence said he gained 40kg in the past decade. He would get shamed due to his size, and his self-esteem took a hit.

When he found out his wife was pregnant, he was motivated to be a healthy father and husband. He wanted to be a super dad and role model to his son.

Terence not only achieved this, but also thrived, going far beyond and getting a mega-ripped bod.

Source: @terencekyw on TikTok

He went from 105kg to 70kg in eight months, losing a whopping 35kg.

Source: @terencekyw on TikTok

It’s been 17 months since he started exercising, and he is now a fitness enthusiast. Working out has also become a lifestyle for him.

In his TikTok video, Terence said it is important to have consistency and ‘trust the process’.


Made drastic lifestyle changes

Terence began working out in February 2021 when he weighed 105kg. He took baby steps, starting with basic strength training and boxing.

Terence made lifestyle changes, no longer eating supper and instead choosing to endure “sleepless and hungry” nights.

Within a month, he started exercising six days a week, going for runs, and doing HIIT. At the same time, he switched to a healthy diet.

In the third month, Terence began to see results. Feeling inspired, he started picking up resistance training and more intensive cardio exercises.

After four months, in May 2021, he achieved his goal of losing 20kg, weighing in at 85kg.

At this point, he had fallen in love with running and started working with light weights. Feeling better than ever, Terence didn’t stop there.

In July this year, Terence passed his IPPT for the first time in ten years, clocking an 11:52 time for his 2.4km run. It was also the month that his baby son was born.

Source: @terence.kyw on Instagram

Terence said in his TikTok video that he managed to deliver his promise of being a healthy dad to his son.

Hard times are part of the fitness journey

According to AsiaOne, Terence achieved this feat independently, without professional help. He works out at the gym alone and relies on online resources for nutritional and training tips.

He shared that hard times are part of the journey. There were many hurdles to overcome, such as food cravings, lack of motivation, and fatigue.

“It’s a daily battle to overcome our negative thoughts”, he said, adding that it was important to remember why one was doing it and who they were doing it for.

He also stressed that diet is a key part of the weight-loss journey.

For the first seven months, Terence was strict with his diet, not consuming fried food and sugary drinks. He also chose to eat only low-fat food.

But these days, he said he was more “chill” about his diet as he allowed himself to indulge in the food he loves once in a while.

After all, he said, it should be a sustainable lifestyle.

Hope his fitness journey inspires others

Terence’s achievements in such a short period are no small feat.

Even more admirable is the drive he continues to show by maintaining his healthy lifestyle.

We’re sure his fitness journey will inspire and impress many, including his son, when he gets older.

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Featured image adapted from @terencekyw on TikTok.

Sabrina Seng

Sabrina is always facing some form of existential crisis but other than that, she's pretty chill.

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