Esports is growing both in Singapore and globally, but the life of an esports professional can be fraught with many difficulties.
On 27 Dec (Sat), Maria Creveling, who competed as “Remilia”, passed away in her sleep after a long struggle with her mental health.
The news was delivered by her close friend, esports journalist Richard Lewis.
Craveling’s boyfriend also posted the news on Twitter on 29 Dec (Sun), Singapore time.
In 2015, Craveling became the first female esports player to play in the League Championship Series (LCS) with Renegades.
However, the split was filled with difficulties and the team struggled on stage. Eventually in 2016, Craveling stepped down from the team, citing anxiety and self-esteem issues.
Indeed, she expressed reservations about playing on stage at all, but eventually did so after some persuasion. The spotlight was never something she sought.
She joined Latin American team Kaos Latin Gamers later, but had to leave the team due to a partially paralysed vocal cord.
Craveling was vocal on Twitter about her mental health struggles.
In several tweets, she posted about how the festive season did not make her happy.
However, she was still active in the League of Legends scene, most recently playing in Twitch Rivals, a tournament for streamers, before her passing.
Remilia, who was transsexual, received a disproportionate amount of hate comments online.
Being a professional – at anything, esports or not – can lead to serious health issues such as depression and anxiety, especially if results are not going well.
We must recognise and tackle mental health issues from top to bottom. Many esports players are young and require role models as well as a support structure.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with their mental health, do not hesitate to seek help from a therapist or call the Samaritans crisis hotline at 1800 221 4444 if it is an emergency.
MS News offers the family and friends of Maria Craveling our condolences.
Featured image adapted from Riot Games.
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