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‘Kampung’ of monkeys spotted along Lorong Halus Red Bridge

‘Kampung’ monkeys spotted along Lorong Halus Red Bridge on 17 June

While crossing Lorong Halus Red Bridge in Punggol on Monday (17 June) afternoon, a man came across a massive platoon of about 100 monkeys.

Source: Anderson Ng on Facebook

Speaking to MS News, Mr Anderson Ng shared that he was “pleasantly surprised” by the huge troop, which apparently included the usual monkeys’ extended families.

Monkeys paraded from Punggol End to Lorong Halus

On Wednesday (19 June), Mr Ng took to the Singapore Wildlife Sightings Facebook group to share the encounter at the bridge.

In his caption, the 60-year-old noted that it was the first time he had encountered an entire “kampung of monkeys ‘moving house'”.

He added that he spotted the monkeys crossing Lorong Halus Red Bridge at about 3pm that day.

Source: Anderson Ng on Facebook

Mr Ng, who regularly visits the area for birding, told MS News that he spent 10 to 15 minutes observing the troop.

He shared that he particularly enjoyed seeing the parent monkeys carrying their babies as they made their way across the bridge.

Source: Anderson Ng on Facebook

Another picture showing two juvenile monkeys at play also stood out to him.

Source: Anderson Ng on Facebook

Mr Ng shared that he had only seen up to 20 to 30 monkeys at the nearby Coney Island before this encounter.

Kept safe distance away from monkeys

Mr Ng also pointed out that there were a few people crossing the bridge at the time, including some children who were “enjoying the sight”.


He remarked that most were wary of the monkeys being potentially aggressive and thus did not disturb them.

Source: Anderson Ng on Facebook

As for himself, Mr Ng said he made sure to keep a safe distance from the animals.

The 60-year-old also said that he kept away his water bottle and plastic bags containing food for precautionary reasons.

Also read: Critically endangered monkey seen on Eco-Link bridge, last spotted in 1987

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Featured image adapted from Anderson Ng on Facebook

Amber Ang

Amber is an unapologetic fangirl and a huge Swiftie.

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