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41-year-old motorcyclist dies in accident along Lorong Chuan, believed to have self-skidded

Motorcyclist dies in accident along Lorong Chuan towards Serangoon Garden Way

A motorcyclist lost his life in an accident along Lorong Chuan early this morning.

The 41-year-old man was believed to have “self-skidded”, according to the police.

A red motorcycle was seen by the side of the road, along with bloodstains.

Motorcyclist dies in Lorong Chuan accident on 27 May

The fatal motorcycle accident occurred on Monday (27 May) morning, reported Shin Min Daily News after readers alerted them to police vehicles at the scene.

Photos taken by the newspaper showed a police blue tent set up by the side of the road, next to a Caltex petrol station.

Near the tent was a red motorcycle that was damaged, with its trunk and left rearview mirror having fallen off.

Source: Shin Min Daily News on Facebook

Bloodstains on the kerb and splintered pieces of stone were observed at the scene.

Police inspect motorcycle, bag helmet as evidence

According to Shin Min, police officers were seen inspecting the motorcycle.

They bagged a red helmet and took it away as evidence.

An officer also used a bucket of water to wash the bloodstains off the kerb.


Source: Shin Min Daily News

The motorcyclist is understood to have been thrown off his motorcycle and hit the kerb.

Motorcyclist self-skidded along Lorong Chuan: Police

In response to queries from MS News, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) said they were alerted to an accident involving a motorcycle at about 6.20am on Monday (27 May).

The location of the crash was along Lorong Chuan in the direction towards Serangoon Garden Way.

Source: Google Maps

The 41-year-old male motorcyclist was believed to have self-skidded, SPF added.

Motorcyclist dies at the scene

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) told MS News that they were alerted to the road traffic accident at about 6.25am that morning.

An SCDF paramedic pronounced one person dead at the scene.

The police confirmed that investigations into the accident are ongoing.

Also read: Female Motorcyclist Passes Away In Accident At Jurong East, She’s Believed To Have Skidded

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News on Facebook.

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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