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Parents of couple who died in M’sia traffic accident hold posthumous wedding for them

Parents of Malaysia couple who died in car accident hold wedding ceremony for them

At around 11pm on 24 May, a couple in Perak, Malaysia passed away in a car accident.

The deceased male,  Mr Yang Jingzhan, had intended to propose to his girlfriend, Ms Li Xueying (both names transliterated from Chinese) on 2 June.

They were aged 31 and 33 respectively.

In light of the tragedy, the couple’s parents held a posthumous wedding ceremony for them, Sin Chew Daily reported.

Couple died after car lost control and flipped at a bend

Oriental Daily noted that prior to the fatal accident, Mr Yang went to Ms Li’s house in Bagan Datuk, a town in Perak.

Later, during the journey to Teluk Intan, their car reportedly lost control and overturned at a bend.

Mr Yang and Ms Li died at the scene.

According to Mr Yang’s younger brother, the couple had been dating for three years and planned to marry this year.

The following week, the couple and Mr Yang’s family were also supposed to go to Thailand for a vacation.

Posthumous wedding ceremony held for couple

Following their deaths, their funeral rites were held together.


Additionally, their parents agreed to arrange a posthumous wedding ceremony for them.

In particular, they created a special wedding photo as a memory for the couple.

At the mourning hall, a lantern stated that Ms Li from Bagan Datuk was the daughter-in-law of the Yang family.

They will also be cremated together, with their ashes placed in the same columbarium.

Also read: S’porean Couple On Holiday Die In Road Accident In India, Reportedly Hit By Speeding Tanker

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Featured image adapted from Sin Chew Daily

Amber Ang

Amber is an unapologetic fangirl and a huge Swiftie.

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