
Ominous Storm Clouds On 8 Oct Looked Like Smoke Puffing Out Of S’pore Skyscrapers

Ominous Storm Clouds Loomed Over Singapore On 8 Oct

Singaporeans who were cloud-watching yesterday would have noticed some low-hanging ones draping over the island.

The ominous storm clouds showered us with rain in the evening but lent the night aircon temperatures to cool us off as we returned home.


Singapore residents were drawn to the mysterious clouds, sharing pictures and time lapses of the one-of-a-kind phenomenon on social media.

Netizens shared images of ominous storm clouds

Netizens posted pictures of these clouds, which looked rather dark and gloomy.

One Facebook user shared a dramatic capture of the clouds rolling over the ships at our East Coast.


Though they look pretty intimidating, the clouds do have a mesmerising quality of sorts.

A Reddit user near Mount Faber took pictures as these clouds moved further inland.



They look as though they were emitted from the HDB flats themselves, almost like smoke from phantom chimneys.


A netizen from Tiong Bahru also took a panorama image with their smartphone, saying that it looked like a scene straight out of the movie Independence Day.


We must say that the spectacle is truly stunning.

Storm clouds are not all that bad

Not all days will be graced by sunsets. Storm clouds may often be seen as party poopers, as they signal the need to run indoors before a downpour.

However, they bring us rain and aircon temperatures and do good things like filling up our reservoirs. These are silver linings we appreciate.

When you see these clouds making a visit in the evening, perhaps play some calming music, kick back, and relax.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at hello@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from Reddit.

Julian Tay

Julian loves to tell the stories of people and places with a camera and pen. If not, he'd be at a kopitiam, stoning.

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