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Pan Pacific Hotel restaurant suspended until further notice after 16 diners suffer gastroenteritis

Edge restaurant in Pan Pacific Hotel suspended from 24 May

The food operations of Edge, a restaurant in Pan Pacific Hotel, have been suspended as of Friday (24 May).

This came after 16 customers who ate there fell ill.

No date was given for the lifting of the suspension, with the authorities saying it’s “until further notice”.

Affected diners ate at Edge from 2-18 May

The restaurant’s suspension was revealed in a media release from the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) on Saturday (25 May).

It said SFA and the Ministry of Health (MOH) were investigating six incidents of gastroenteritis.

They affected a total of 16 people who ate the food prepared by a restaurant named Edge from 2 to 18 May.

While none of them were hospitalised, they all sought outpatient treatment or self-medicated.

Restaurant cleaned premises & screened food handlers

Edge is located on the third floor of Pan Pacific Hotel along Raffles Boulevard, and is known for its buffets.


After the establishment was informed by diners about their gastroenteritis symptoms, it voluntarily undertook certain measures, SFA said.

These included deep cleaning the premises and screening the health of its food handlers.

Pan Pacific restaurant suspended as ongoing transmission suspected

However, ongoing transmission is suspected, SFA said.

Thus, the food business operations of Edge were suspended from Friday (24 May) till further notice, SFA added, saying:

The licensee is required to clean and sanitise the premises, including equipment and utensils, and dispose all ready-to-eat food and perishable food items.

For their food handlers to return to work, they must re-attend and pass the Food Safety Course Level 1.

They should also test negative for food-borne pathogens.

Edge’s appointed food hygiene officer must re-attend and pass the Food Safety Course Level 3 before resuming work in this role.

Other well-known restaurants that were suspended

Edge’s suspension comes soon after the suspension of the Thomson Plaza outlet of popular restaurant chain Peach Garden.

Its suspension was lifted only on 20 May, almost one month after it took effect on 22 April.

The first outlet of famed London restaurant Burger & Lobster was also suspended for more than a month in 2022 due to gastroenteritis cases. The restaurant was subsequently fined S$3,000.

As for hotel restaurants, even the patrons of Shangri-La Singapore, which played host to then-United States President Donald Trump, have not been spared from gastroenteritis.

The hotel’s The Line restaurant had its food hygiene grade lowered from “A” to “C” when diners developed symptoms of the condition after eating there in December 2022.

Also read: 10 Shangri-La S’pore Diners Got Food Poisoning In Dec, Restaurant’s Hygiene Grade Adjusted To ‘C’

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Featured image adapted from Eatbook.

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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