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S’poreans Prank Food Delivery Riders With Fake Address, Hawkers Get No Payment For Bulk Order

S’pore Pranksters Order Food In Bulk & Give Fake Address

Food deliverers and hawkers are now busier than ever, now that takeaways and food delivery are the new normal we live in.

To make matters worse, some individuals are deliberately pranking delivery staff by providing fake addresses.

As a result, hawkers are unable to receive payment after cooking up the ordered meals and food deliverers ended up making wasted trips.

Prankster gave out fake address in food delivery app

After encountering such an incident himself, Mr Ivan Tzx took to Facebook to warn fellow delivery riders.


He reportedly received a large order, which even required the use of cartons to carry them up.


When he finally reached the mentioned address, the food deliverer was met with a handwritten sign put up by the homeowner.


Turns out, the residents have been receiving food and large parcels that they never ordered, including the carton of noodles Mr Ivan just brought to their doorstep.


Bulk order for laksa & meepok wasted

Evidently, the prank was caused by someone listing a fake address on food delivery platforms on purpose and opting for the cash-on-delivery option.


This means that Ivan didn’t receive the $10 delivery fee he was entitled to. The hawker must have also suffer huge losses after whipping out all the laksas and mee poks the ‘customer’ ordered.

Police report has been lodged

In his Facebook post, the food deliverer warns fellow riders to beware of the scammer’s number and urges hawkers to receive payment before accepting bulk orders.

However, we are also assured that a police report has been lodged. Hopefully, they will apprehend the culprit as soon as possible.

Be kind to our essential workers

We can only imagine travelling a long distance by bike just to find out the order was one big scam.

This incident goes to show how hawkers and food deliverers are on the receiving end of negative actions in recent weeks.

On our part, we can try to make their day a better one by extending kindness and help to our food deliverers and hawkers. After all, we are not fighting this battle alone.

Featured image adapted from Facebook & Facebook.


Vernice loves Brown from LINE FRIENDS and anything timey wimey. Also a huge Harry Potter stan.

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