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SBS bus & car crash into each other along Loyang Avenue after both vehicles refuse to give way

SBS bus and car collide into each other along Loyang Avenue

On Thursday (27 June), the SG Road Vigilante – SGRV Facebook page posted a video of an incident involving a SBS bus and a car along Loyang Avenue.

The two vehicles were spotted signalling to enter the respective lanes.

However, both drivers refused to give way, resulting in the collision.

Netizens, outraged by the accident, have called out both drivers for their reckless behaviour.

Bus and car refuse to give way

A minute-long clip posted by SGRV showed how the accident transpired.

The double-deck bus was in the leftmost lane, while the car was in the lane next to it.

The two drivers also had their blinkers on — with the bus driver signalling his intention to go right, while the car driver wanted to head left.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

However, both drivers refused to give way, causing the bus to edge closer into the car’s lane and collide with the smaller vehicle.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

It is unclear why the two drivers were unable to give way to each other.


In response to MS News queries, Mrs Grace Wu, an SBS Transit spokesperson, confirmed that the incident occurred on 27 June at about 6.13pm.

“A Service 21 bus was driving along Loyang Avenue when it was involved in a collision with a passing car,” said Mrs Wu.

“Thankfully, no one was hurt. We are looking into the matter.”

Netizens call out drivers for recklessness

After watching the video, many Facebook users noted that the car should have given way to the bus.

Source: Facebook

Others were outraged with the bus driver as they recklessly tried to enter the car’s lane.

Source: Facebook

Overall, many Facebook commenters urged both drivers to be more “gracious” in the future.

Source: Facebook

Also read: SBS Transit Bus Stranded At Bedok Carpark Gantry After Wrong Turn, Captain Will Face Disciplinary Action

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Featured images adapted from SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook.

Dhanya Vimalan

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