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62-Year-Old Man Stabs NParks Officer At Sengkang Park, Gets 13 Years’ Jail

62-Year-Old Man Who Stabbed NParks Officer Gets 13 Years & 4 Months’ Jail

Safe distancing enforcers play a key role in our nation’s fight against Covid-19, ensuring that members of the public adhere to prevailing measures. One such officer, reportedly from NParks, however, was stabbed and slashed in May 2020 while carrying out his duties at Sungei Serangoon Park.

On Friday (18 Mar), his 62-year-old attacker was sentenced to 13 years’ jail.

Described as a “merciless” onslaught, the judge said it was a “sheer miracle” that the blade did not penetrate the officer’s heart.

62-year-old man stabs NParks officer with 20cm blade

According to Channel NewsAsia (CNA), the 38-year-old officer was driving through the park in a buggy when he and another officer spotted 62-year-old Ahirrudin Al-Had Haji Arrifin without a mask on and with pandan leaves in his bicycle basket.

The 2 officers approached Ahirrudin and informed him that he was not allowed to cut pandan leaves at the park connector. They also reminded him to wear a mask.

However, the rag-and-bone man was reportedly uncooperative and became increasingly agitated.

Ahirrudin subsequently unsheathed a 20.8cm-long blade that he had hidden in his walking stick and stabbed the victim on the left side of his chest.

Image courtesy of Singapore Police Force

When the victim attempted to pull the blade out, Ahirrudin reportedly pushed it back in at least 2 more times.


He then removed a karambit knife from his shoe and used it to slash the victim, nearly severing the officer’s left thumb.

Following the attack, Ahirrudin cycled home and concealed his walking stick. Police tracked him down and arrested him later in the afternoon.

Image courtesy of Singapore Police Force

“Sheer miracle” that blade didn’t penetrate victim’s heart

During the court proceeding on Friday (18 Mar), the judge described the attack as “simply senseless, abhorrent, and callous”, quoted The Straits Times (ST).

He also pointed out that it was a “sheer miracle” that the blade did not penetrate the victim’s heart. Such an impact could’ve been fatal.

Moreover, the victim’s injuries could have been life-threatening if he didn’t receive prompt medical attention.

The injuries have, however, resulted in “lifelong effects”. The strength in the victim’s left hand has apparently diminished, and he now experiences anxiety and trauma upon seeing knives.

13 years & 4 months’ jail for attack on NParks officer

Ahirrudin pleaded guilty to 1 count each of:

  • Unlawfully possessing a scheduled weapon
  • Violating Covid-19 measures
  • Voluntarily causing grievous hurt

The prosecution called for a jail sentence of 12-15 years.

However, Ahiruddin’s lawyer asked for a shorter jail term of 8-10 years, as he was remorseful and the attack was impulsive.

In the end, the judge sentenced Ahiruddin to 13 years and 4 months’ jail.

Since he is above 50, Ahiruddin cannot receive the 18 strokes of the cane the court would have otherwise imposed. Instead, the judge has replaced that with an extra 3 months in jail, which is part of the final sentence.

Officers deserve to work in a safe environment

Throughout the course of the pandemic, safe distancing enforcers have played a key role in ensuring that Covid-19 measures are adhered to.

It’s disturbing to imagine why anyone would carry out such a vicious attack on an officer who was merely carrying out their duties.

We hope the sentence will serve as a deterrence for others who may think about harming an officer on the job. After all, they deserve to work in a safe environment.

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Featured image courtesy of Singapore Police Force. 

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