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‘We will not forget this hero’: Owner of tanker pays respects at SCDF officer’s wake

Owner of China-flagged tanker that caught fire pays respects to SCDF officer who died fighting blaze

After a Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) officer lost his life while fighting a fire on a tanker, many people paid their respects at his wake.

One of them was the owner of the tanker, who flew from Shanghai to do so.

Source: 8world News on Facebook

He said he will help the fallen firefighter’s family.

Tanker owner visits wake on 18 May

Mr Qin Zhifeng (transliterated from Mandarin) showed up at the wake on Saturday (18 May), reported Shin Min Daily News.

Source: Shin Min Daily News on Facebook

The 47-year-old is the owner of China-flagged tanker Shenghanghua 6, which is currently anchored in Singapore waters.

When the tanker’s engine room caught fire in the early hours of Thursday (16 May), Captain (CPT) Kenneth Tay Xue Qin was one of the first response crew, according to SCDF.

Unfortunately, he died after being found lying at the bottom of a staircase during the firefighting operations.

He rushed to Singapore after being informed

Mr Qin told Shin Min that he was informed about the incident on Friday (17 May).

He immediately booked a flight from Shanghai that night, flying to Singapore at 5.30am on Saturday morning.

Arriving at the wake in Block 21A Telok Blangah Crescent at 12 noon, he expressed his condolences to CPT Tay’s parents, who are reportedly in their 60s.


Tanker owner intends to help SCDF officer’s family

Mr Qin was made aware that CPT Tay was their only son, but his parents and girlfriend were “full of love” and didn’t blame anybody for his death.

However, their savings were running low, he said, and he intends to help them out.

While he couldn’t disclose exact details at the moment, his company had a “social responsibility” to do so. He was also grateful that the ship’s crew members were rescued.

Referring to CPT Tay, he also added:

We will not forget this hero.

Source: Kenneth Tay on Facebook

Ministers & MP also visit wake

Since CPT Tay’s wake started on Friday, relatives, friends, colleagues and members of the public have been paying their respects to him, with more than 100 people turning up on the first day.

While Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam came on Friday, Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat visited on Saturday afternoon, reported Lianhe Zaobao.

During the visit, CPT Tay’s mother shed tears while talking to him, and the minister shared a comforting hug with his father.

Minutes later, Radin Mas MP Melvin Yong also arrived at the wake.

CPT Tay will be cremated at Bright Hill on Monday (20 May), and will also be given a ceremonial funeral in his honour.

Also read: ‘He was a good boy’: More than 100 people mourn SCDF officer at his wake

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News on Facebook and 8world News on Facebook

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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