
Driver Forgets To Engage Brakes At AMK Parking Gantry, Car Accelerates & Hits Parked Vehicle

Driver In AMK Forgets To Engage Car Brakes When Inserting Card Into Cashcard Machine

Those who hold a driving licence would remember the times when our instructors would nag at us to engage the handbrake before exiting the vehicle.

If you’ve forgotten about why brakes are so important, perhaps this clip might serve as a refresher of sorts.

On Wednesday (10 Mar), a video on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook page showed a lady’s car accelerating and ramming into a parked vehicle.

She had apparently left the car to insert her card into a cashcard machine in Ang Mo Kio but forgot to engage the brakes.

Driver forgets to engage brakes at McDonald’s AMK carpark

According to the post, the incident occurred on Wednesday (10 Mar) at a carpark along Ang Mo Kio Street 12, next to a McDonald’s outlet.


At the start of the clip, a lady in a white dress is seen exiting her car to insert a card into an adjacent machine.


All of a sudden, her navy Toyota starts inching forward before ramming into the carpark gantry. The lady tries to give chase, but unfortunately isn’t quick enough.



Slams into car parked opposite the gantry

The lady’s troubles don’t end there, unfortunately.

After the gantry lowers, the car continues advancing forward towards another vehicle parked opposite the gantry.


Again, the lady fails to catch up with the car.

The driver of the parked car, who appears to be exiting his vehicle as everything unfolds, seems unaware of the impending crash.

Moments before the Toyota slams into his car, the driver realises what’s happening and raises his hand in disbelief.


The lady frantically rushes into her car – presumably to engage the brakes – after the collision. Her actions, however, are a little too late.


Remember to engage the brakes when exiting the car

Many traffic accidents may occur as a result of speeding, but collisions can also happen when our cars are travelling at a slow speed if we’re caught off guard.

Let’s hope nobody was injured as a result of this incident and that all the damages will be settled amicably between the parties involved.

Above all, we hope this serves as a reminder for drivers of how important it is to engage the brakes when exiting their cars — especially if they’re driving cars with an automatic transmission.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante on YouTube

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