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Man Finds ‘Cement’ In Clams At Bukit Batok Eatery, Staff Admits Negligence

Man Finds ‘Cement’ In Clams At Bukit Batok Eatery, Staff Promise To Be More Careful

Once hunger starts to kick in, it’s hard to stop someone from digging into their meals without a second thought.

But a gruesome discovery by a customer at an eatery in Bukit Batok was enough to stop him in his tracks.

After receiving his order, which consisted of freshwater clams and rice, he later found out that a few of the clams were filled with what looked like cement and black goo.

Source: TikTok

The staff at the stall have since taken responsibility for their negligence and vowed to be more cautious next time.

Customer finds clams filled with black & grey ‘cement’

On 19 Aug, a TikTok user uploaded a video of his meal at an eatery at Block 347 Bukit Batok Street 34.

In his caption, he wrote, “Never open no problem. After opening get this kind of result. Super disgusting.”

As the video plays, the OP shows images of his meal and the store guilty of serving the clams.

Although the OP seemingly had his fill of the meal, he showed some of the clams filled with a black and grey goo.

The OP suspects that the grey goo is cement, further adding to the puzzling discovery.


Source: TikTok

With some rice still left over on the plate, the OP seemed to have lost his appetite after the discovery.

Customer says he’s just unlucky despite netizens’ anger

Although the meal was a stomach-churning experience for the OP, he saw it as a chance to warn fellow diners of the gooey discovery.

One netizen recommended reporting the discovery to the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), an idea that the OP dismissed.

Source: TikTok

According to a comment, this particular stall has quite the reputation for being unhygienic, as a former customer claimed that the same thing happened to their clams too.

Source:  TikTok

Another netizen suggested asking for a refund, to which the OP replied that he was merely unlucky to receive the gooey clams.

Source: TikTok

In fact, he had known that the ones with unopened shells may turn out badly, but decided to open them anyway to have a look.

Eatery staff take responsibility for negligence

Last Saturday (27 Aug), an employee from the stall told Shin Min Daily News that they always check the clams before cooking them and that this incident was due to a momentary oversight.

The employee, who wished to remain anonymous, explained that they usually soak the clams in salt water first. They then boil the shellfish for a while before picking out the ones that don’t open up.

“In general, clams that don’t open up will usually contain mud,” the employee said. “This incident was a result of our negligence.”

Since then, the management has sent over people to supervise the stall for a few days. The employee declared,

We will be more cautious next time.

The employee then took the opportunity to remind customers that they can always bring any issues with the food up to them. Patrons will sometimes return unopened clams to the eatery in exchange for a new dish.

“In this case, if the diner had asked for a refund, we would have given it to him,” said the employee. “But he didn’t inform us about the problem at that time.”

According to the employee, the eatery has been in business for eight or nine years, but this was the first time someone had complained about them online.

“I am very sorry, but I hope that next time, customers can report the problem directly to us so we can deal with it promptly.”

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Featured image adapted from TikTok

Iqmall Hayat

“Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? ” -Kevin Malone

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