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Dog forced to stand on hind legs after being leashed to van in IKEA Alexandra carpark

Dog leashed to van in IKEA Alexandra carpark forced to stand on hind legs

A dog leashed to a van in IKEA Alexandra’s carpark has been spotted standing on its hind legs involuntarily.

Due to the short leash, the small dog was forced to stand on its two hind legs to avoid being choked.

Source: @milo_lim_shiba on Instagram

Onlookers who saw the distressing incident alerted IKEA’s security in an attempt to find the van driver and rescue the restrained dog.

Dog leashed to van spotted standing on hind legs

The incident was brought to light by the owner of an Instagram dog account, Mrs Lim, who spotted the leashed animal at the IKEA carpark lot 343 at around 1.30pm on Sunday (26 May).

Source: Google Maps

Mrs Lim explained that they were on their way out of the carpark when they saw the leashed dog standing on its hind legs, with its front paws pressed up against the van’s door.

They soon realised that the dog was held to the van on a short leash with no one attending to it.

Source: @milo_lim_shiba on Instagram

The dog was allegedly barking repeatedly in an attempt to get someone’s attention.

As the leash was too short, the dog was unable to rest comfortably on all fours.

Source: @milo_lim_shiba on Instagram

Concerned for the animal’s safety, the 37-year-old told MS News that she and her friends waited for the dog’s owner for around 5 minutes before alerting IKEA of the incident.

IKEA told Mrs Lim that they would send a security team to assist with the situation. When they followed up with a call later on, IKEA told her that “the team was handling it but they would inform the security team again”.


In a subsequent update on Instagram, Mrs Lim posted that IKEA’s security attended to the dog and was actively looking for the animal’s owner.

She told MS News that the last update that they had received from IKEA was that the dog and the driver had driven off.

Mrs Lim and her friends also reported the incident to the National Parks Board’s Animal & Veterinary Services (AVS). Another friend also alerted SPCA.

Source: @milo_lim_shiba on Instagram

SPCA alerted of incident

After watching the video, many Instagram users expressed concern for the dog’s wellbeing.

Another owner of an Instagram dog account who goes by the name Totto went the extra mile to alert the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) about the incident.

Source: @milo_lim_shiba on Instagram

They stated that IKEA was unable to locate the dog or the van after the video was posted on Instagram.

Outraged by the incident, Totto called out the dog owner’s inexcusable behaviour.

“While I want to give the owner the benefit of the doubt, the situation is totally unacceptable and poses a significant danger to the furkid,” the caption read.

AVS to take over the case

Speaking to MS News, Totto said that SPCA reported that AVS has taken over the investigation to check on the car plate number of the car in question.

MS News has reached out to IKEA and AVS for comment.

Also read: Woman Called ‘Heroine’ For Confronting Man Who Left Dog Leashed Outside Jurong Coffeeshop In Hot Sun

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Featured image adapted from @milo_lim_shiba on Instagram.

Dhanya Vimalan

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