
Loose Tyre Flies Towards Vehicle On SLE, Van Driver Seen Looking For Missing Part

Vehicle Hit By Loose Tyre Flying Towards It On SLE

Many drivers keep a spare tyre hidden in the undercarriage of their vehicle. However, when it becomes loose and detached, it may lead to accidents.

On Tuesday (10 Aug), SG Road Vigilante shared a video of a loose tyre flying towards a vehicle at the Seletar Expressway (SLE). The tyre later turned out to be from a Daikin Singapore van.

Shortly after, the driver of the Daikin van was seen stopping by the side of the road, seemingly confused as to where his spare tyre had disappeared to.

Loose tyre flies towards vehicle on SLE

At the start of the video, the dashcam vehicle was seen driving on the SLE, right behind a white Subaru.


Out of nowhere, a loose tyre appeared on the road, likely taking the Subaru driver by surprise, as they were unable to avoid it. The car ran over the tyre instead, sending it flying backwards.


Despite the impact, the tyre failed to stop, flying straight for the windshield of the dashcam vehicle and striking it once before soaring above it.



As the vehicle drove further down the road, a Daikin Singapore van eventually came into view by the shoulder, its driver seen hunching and checking the vehicle’s undercarriage, possibly to find the spare tyre that had fallen off.


Considering the distance the flying tyre had covered earlier, we doubt the driver would be able to find it anywhere close.

Thankfully, no injuries seemed to have occurred as a result of the strange incident.

Netizens express worries over incident

Since it’s common for drivers to keep spare tyres under their vehicles, this incident has left many netizens worried.

One netizen noted how fortunate it was that the tyre did not land on a motorcyclist. Otherwise, it could have led to a serious accident.


Another believed that the drivers should have switched on their hazard lights and slowed down due to the loose tyre. After all, the aftermath can be very dangerous.


The fate of the tyre seems to be a mystery after it flew past the dashcam vehicle. Thus, a concerned netizen hoped that no rider was hit by the object.


Check that your vehicle is secure before driving

While this incident was clearly an unfortunate accident, we hope it serves as a reminder for all drivers to check that their vehicles are secure before driving off.

Parts flying in the middle of the road would be dangerous, both for the driver and other road users who would be caught unawares.

Therefore, do remember to do some safety checks before going on your next drive.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

Monique Danao

When Monique's not writing, you'll find her enjoying funky food, listening to music and playing RPGs.

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