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Man sits in the middle of AYE drinking and scrolling on phone while facing incoming traffic

Man sits in the middle of AYE drinking and scrolling his phone

On 25 May, a man was seen sitting in the middle of the Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE). According to SG Road Vigilante who shared the video, the man sat on lane 3, right next to where cars merge onto the expressway.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on YouTube

The man can be seen using his phone and having two cans of drinks with him.

The man was later apprehended by the police under Section 7 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act.

Man sits in the middle of AYE

At about 5pm on 25 May, a man was spotted sitting along the AYE towards the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE). A dashcam video of the incident was posted on the same day on the Facebook Group SG Road Vigilante.

In the video, the 37-year-old man can be seen scrolling on his phone as cars attempt to merge onto the expressway, right next to where he was seated.

At one point, the man scratched his head as he scrolled on his phone, seemingly unaffected by the environment he was in.

He also appeared to be drinking as there were two cans of drinks placed in front of him. It is uncertain whether the drinks were alcoholic or not.

The person who took the video appeared to be driving a vehicle that had stopped in front of the man.

Netizens expressed concern for the man

The post by SG Road Vigilante has drawn the attention of many netizens, with over 200 shares and 200 comments at the time of writing.

Some commenters expressed concern for the man’s well-being, saying that the man appeared to be going through a lot.


Source: SG Road Vigilante on YouTube

One commenter on YouTube where the video was posted applauded the driver who took the video for stopping his car in front of the man and then shielding him from traffic.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on YouTube

Other commenters also made jokes about the situation.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Youtube

In response to an inquiry from MS News, the Singapore Police Force reported that after receiving a call for assistance at 5pm , the man was apprehended by the police under Section 7 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act. No injuries were reported.

Also read: Hit-and-run accident involving 5 vehicles on BKE sends 2 to hospital

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Featured image from SG Road Vigilante on Youtube

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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