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29 GIFs That Perfectly Sum Up Every Ramadan, In The Eyes Of A Singaporean Muslim

The Ramadan Struggle Is Real

Ramadan started on 15 June this year, marking the start of the month when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. While this month-long event turns up every year, fasting never gets any easier.

Here are the struggles every Muslim goes through, hilariously summed up by the Internet.

1. It’s the first day of Ramadan. You wake up before sunrise, ready to stock up that belly. You tell yourself you’re ready, you have prepared all year for this.


2. You remind yourself of the Ramadan highway code.


 3. You’ve even sorted out your love life.


 4. So you drag yourself out of bed before sunrise for sahur.


5. Time to wake the family up.


6. You follow the aroma to a table full of glorious food but at 5am, all your eyes wants to do is play rapid-fire peek-a-boo.


7. But you battle the sleepiness because you know that you’ll regret it if you don’t eat now.

Because once the sun rises, you can’t eat the food or drink anymore.


 8. Now the real struggle begins. Time to face the world in Ramadan mode.


9. Answering the same old Ramadan questions from non-muslim friends year in year out.


10. “You don’t eat or drink for one entire month, like you starve for 30 days?”


Err, did you not feed your brains for one month?

11. Fact: We fast from sunrise to sunset. No, not even water.


 12. All we consume are positive vibes.


13. You try to be nice to everyone.


14. And staying away from indulgences. No cuss words are going into these ears today.


 15. No girls either.


16. When your friends invite you to lunch


 17. Your willpower by midday has basically evaporated.


18. But we always say no to Satan.


19. Dat caffeine withdrawal is real.


20. Sometimes you take a drink of water and immediately remember the fasting thing.


21. Just a few more hours to go. You’ve got it all under control.


22. Then you catch your brother chomping down food.

The traitor!


23. You wait patiently for sunset.


24. Still waiting..


25. Counting down be like 5..4..3.. 2…


26. And it’s time!


27. You renew your vows with true love: food.


28. Then comes the prayers, which sometimes comes with its own set of issues.


29. But before you know it, things get easier. You’ve got this in a snap.


In case you haven’t figured out already, here’s where I share that the real meaning behind Ramadan isn’t just in the food. It is a spiritual journey that is more rewarding than any meal. Happy Ramadan to all our Muslim readers!

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Rahimah Rashith

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