
This Singapore Dollar Bouquet Is For Practical Romantics Who Prefer Cash Over Flowers

Singapore Dollar Bouquet Showers Your Loved Ones In Money Flowers

Flowers or chocolates? Decades of debating have seen lovers split into 2 factions for anniversary, birthday or Mother’s Day gifting ideas.

Personal preferences aside, here’s an idea that’s perfect for people who want to take a more practical approach.

Behold, the Singapore dollar bouquet.


Packed with money blooms in pastel lavender, orange and comforting $50 blues, these bouquets will definitely make your loved one’s day.


Especially those who absolutely adore the smell of fresh, crisp notes in the morning. We’ll take a closer look at how to get them below.

Pastel money blooms in cash bouquets

Though we’ve mostly gone cashless, there’s still something comforting about the feel of a smooth dollar note in hand.


For J’s Money Bouquet, they’ve gone a step further and created ‘cash flowers’ by furling notes into artful swirls, lining them into lavish bouquets.



The denominations featured in each bouquet vary, from warm yellow $100 bills, familiar reds of $10 notes and classic purple $2 notes.


Arranging the money blooms in concentric circles, the bouquet is finished with generous layers of chiffon paper and large ribbons or bows.


Here’s the top view of a bouquet. We love the detail of baby’s breath in the centre that adds a little touch of realism to the ‘flowers’.

DM for pricing options

We’ve scouted the page for more details on pricing and J’s Money Bouquet has mentioned that you’ll need to slide into their DMs on Facebook for queries.


Their $1,000 bouquet seems like the most popular choice in recent posts — this trio of photos has garnered 2k shares at the time of writing.

We can expect that the final price would exceed that slightly, due to the craftsmanship involved.

For those looking for more modest options, we’ve spotted $2 bouquets too. Feel free to checkout the entire collection by J’s Money Bouquet here.

Cash flowers represent freedom & practicality

Now that we’re aware of literal cash bouquets for our practical lovers, parents & friends, you’ll know exactly what to do the next time your loved one tells you not to ‘waste’ money on lavish gifts.

Send them an actual money bouquet.

This way, they’ll have the freedom to get flowers or chocolates for you in return.

Featured image adapted from Facebook.

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