‘The rotten fruits will fall by themselves’: Vice-principal’s alleged affair with parent lasted over a year & a half, claims wife

affair vice principal

Affair between vice-principal and parent lasted over a year and a half, says wife

More details have surfaced regarding the alleged extramarital affair of a school vice-principal with a student’s parent since MS News broke the story yesterday.

According to Shin Min Daily News (SMDN), an anonymous tip from a woman claiming to be the vice-principal’s wife said that the affair had been going on for a year and a half.

The woman added that she had suspicions about the affair months before she found out about it on 16 Oct.

The anonymous tip included explicit photos and messages between the vice-principal and the parent. Screenshots provided included conversations about their meetings and details of their interactions.

On 17 Oct, a woman posted a series of photos on Facebook showing her husband, a vice principal (VP) of a local primary school, in intimate poses with another woman, allegedly a parent of two students at the school.

While the Facebook posts have since been deleted, the incident has caused a stir online.

On the morning of 20 Oct, the woman took to Facebook once more to post a quote:

A wise man once said: Do not take revenge, the rotten fruits will fall by themselves.

Many commenters have alluded to the affair in relation to the Facebook post.

affair vice principal

Source: Facebook

Wife says affair lasted for a year and a half

According to SMDN, they received the anonymous tip on 17 Oct at around 7pm. The woman claiming to be the vice-principal’s wife said that she became aware of the affair on 16 Oct.

She further revealed that the affair lasted for a year and a half, though she only began to suspect it a few months ago when her husband’s behaviour changed, particularly his frequent claims of having no money, despite buying gifts for others.

When asked how she uncovered the infidelity, she said: “That’s a secret.”

Wife reveals intimate messages of the affair

The email tip included chat records and intimate photos of the two, along with a screenshot of an Instagram post showing the pair hugging.

The post was captioned with the message, “You who have always silently protected me”, followed by heart emojis and the words, “thank you”.

Chat records also revealed explicit conversations as well as four “agreements” made between the two. These agreements included staying in contact daily, sending scheduled texts, notifying each other about their activities, and meeting at least twice a week.

affair vice principal

Source: NetEast News

To hide the relationship, the vice-principal allegedly changed the parent’s contact name to a male alias on his phone.

Though she knew the affair was with a student’s parent, the wife admitted she did not personally know the individual involved. She further revealed that she and her husband have been married for over 30 years.

When asked about her future plans, the wife told SMDN: “I haven’t thought about it yet”.

Husband has been vice principal for over 9 years

According to the husband’s now-scrubbed LinkedIn account, he has been a vice-principal for about 9 years and 3 months since Aug 2015.

Source: LinkedIn

Prior to being a vice-principal, he worked as an officer for the Singapore Armed Forces.

Source: LinkedIn

His LinkedIn account also showed him alluding to his faith. In one post, he wrote: “We know that God is still in control and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.”

Source: LinkedIn

Upon learning about the affair, parents of students at the school expressed surprise and disappointment. According to SMDN, one parent described the vice-principal as friendly and approachable, noting his frequent interactions with parents.

A student, who only wanted to be known as Jimmy, told MS News that they were “kinda shocked” to hear the news, “because [he] was the main VP” of the school.

“The whole school knows about it now. People are spreading the word and some of their friends from other schools know about it,” Jimmy said.

The school has yet to issue a formal statement, but the vice-principal’s name has been removed from the school’s website.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has acknowledged the incident and confirmed that the vice-principal has resigned.

The ministry is currently investigating the matter, and the vice-principal is on leave, it told MS News on 18 Oct.

Multiple attempts by MS News to reach out to the vice-principal’s wife have been unanswered.

Additional reporting by Joy Fang.

Also read: Woman publicly shames vice-principal husband for affair with student’s mother

Woman publicly shames vice-principal husband for affair with student’s mother

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Featured image adapted from NetEast News and Facebook.

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