Yew Tee Vaccination Centre Visited By Covid-19 Case, It’ll Remain Open After Deep Cleaning

Yew Tee Community Club Visited By Covid-19-Postive Person: MP

Many people in Singapore are dutifully heading to vaccination centres in order to protect themselves and the community from Covid-19 infection.

However, some people have unfortunately been exposed to the virus while doing so.

That’s because a Covid-19 case recently visited a vaccination centre in Yew Tee Community Club (CC).


However, the vaccination centre will remain open as it’s already been deep cleaned.

Covid-19 case went there for vaccination

The news was revealed in a Facebook post by Marsiling-Yew Tee MP Alex Yam on Friday (16 Jul).


He didn’t reveal exactly when the Covid-19 case visited the vaccination centre.

But he did say that person went there to get a vaccination.

He or she subsequently tested positive, and the Ministry of Health (MOH) informed the centre.

Close contacts will be notified by MOH

Naturally, those who visited the centre might wonder if they were exposed to the virus.

However, Mr Yam said that the infected person’s close contacts will be notified by MOH’s contact tracing team.

If you’ve been to any place at the same time as the case, your TraceTogether data will also inform you.

To check, simply head over to

Deep cleaning carried out immediately

Mr Yam, who is also Mayor of North West District, said when they were informed of the case, deep cleaning was carried out immediately.


That included not just the vaccination centre, but also common areas of the CC.

He also assured the public that the CC’s common areas are regularly disinfected.

Safe to proceed with upcoming vaccination appointments

Thus, they’ve assessed that the vaccination centre can remain open to serve residents.


For those who have upcoming appointments for vaccination at Yew Tee CC, it’s safe to proceed with them, Mr Yam said.

He also encouraged those who’ve not made appointments yet to consider doing so.

No need to avoid the centre

Some may be concerned that they were potentially exposed to Covid-19 ironically while getting vaccinated for it.

If you were there at the same time as the infected person according to TraceTogether, do monitor your health for the next 14 days and reduce social contact.

However, if you’re in the clear, there’s no need to avoid the CC or postpone your vaccination appointment.

MS News wishes the positive case a quick recovery, and hopes nobody at the centre gets infected.

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