‘Waste of food’: Netizen complains about ghost month offerings, Internet slams his reasoning

Netizen calls ghost month offerings a “waste of food”

As this year’s Lunar Seventh Month ended on Monday (2 Sep), many of us in Singapore would have noticed food offerings placed along pavements in our neighbourhood.

Per Chinese traditions, people offer food at the end of the Seventh Lunar Month so “good brothers” can bring food with them back to the underworld.

However, what had been passed down as tradition has been criticised as a “waste of food” by a netizen on Facebook.

On Monday (2 Sep), a netizen named Fook Leong Leu snapped a picture of what appeared to be food offerings left next to a grass patch.

Mr Fook was seemingly unhappy with the sight and asked if “it is considered a waste of food.”.

Source: Facebook

He compared Singaporeans with Palestinians, arguing that while the latter struggle to obtain meals, people in Singapore treat their food “like garbage”.

Mr Fook was also unhappy that devotees did not eat food used for offerings later on, questioning if they were being too superstitious.

In contrast, Mr Fook pointed out that his family will always “keep” the food after performing the ritual.

Internet says leftover food offering has nothing to do with Palestine

The post garnered nearly 300 comments within a day of posting.

This netizen urged Mr Fook to respect each other’s culture and religion while pointing out that the issue has nothing to do with the situation in Palestine.

Source: Facebook

Meanwhile, others advised Mr Fook to direct his criticism at large food chains that import perishable items.

Source: Facebook

Some also pointed out that devotees might choose not to consume offerings placed near drainage due to hygiene concerns.

Source: Facebook

Also read: 12 Hungry Ghost Festival beliefs explained, so you can survive the 7th month

12 Hungry Ghost Festival beliefs explained, so you can survive the 7th month

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