S’pore Has 132 New Covid-19 Cases, 1 Community Infection On 8 Aug

covid 19 cases 8 aug

132 New Covid-19 Cases On 8 Aug

The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced as of 12pm on Saturday (8 Aug) 132 new Covid-19 cases.

This takes the total count to 54,929.

The vast majority of the cases are from migrant workers in 17 quarantine facilities at dormitories.

The remaining dormitories were cleared yesterday.

1 community infection, a Singaporean

There was also 1 community infection, a Singaporean.

The average number of community infections has dropped to about 2 a day this week.

Yesterday (7 Aug), the sole community infection was an unlinked 67-year-old Singaporean male.

6 imported cases, who were put on Stay-Home Notices (SHN) upon arrival in Singapore, were also reported today.

4 places added to list of locations Covid-19 cases visited

MOH also added 4 places to their list of locations which Covid-19 cases visited recently.

Golden Village in Jurong Point was among the locations, along with Tang Tea House in Jurong West.

GV Jurong Point & ABC Brickworks Food Centre Among Places Covid-19 Cases Visited

The case had visited the GV between 11.40pm-1.40am.

However, there’s no need to avoid the locations as management will have cleaned and disinfected the premises.

Regardless, for those who were there at the same time as the cases, they should monitor their health for 14 days from the date of visit.

Wishing cases speedy recovery

We hope that the cases can make a speedy recovery from Covid-19.

Meanwhile, as unlinked community cases are still prevalent, we can all do our part by using SafeEntry to check in and out of places, as well as adhere to safe distancing guidelines.

Stay vigilant this NDP weekend, and while we enjoy the festivities, we should also remember that we’re still in the midst of a pandemic.

However, with everyone’s efforts, we can overcome it together.

Featured image adapted from Facebook.

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