Fire Breaks Out At Admiralty Mala Stall On 16 Nov, Hawker Brought To Hospital

Hawker Sustains Multiple Burns In Admiralty Mala Stall Fire On 16 Nov

On Wednesday (16 Nov), a fire broke out at a mala stall in a coffee shop near Admiralty MRT station.

Source: Twitter

At the time, an employee was in the kitchen and suffered multiple burns on his arms and legs.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) later conveyed him to the hospital.

They are now investigating the cause of the fire.

Fire at Admiralty mala stall

According to Shin Min Daily News, the fire occurred at 57˚ Mala Xiang Guo @ Admiralty in China Street kopitiam on 16 Nov around 10am.

Speaking to the Chinese news outlet, 70-year-old Mdm Lin said that at that time, she was dining at a store on the second floor when she heard ambulance sirens.

When she went down to the ground floor, she found that the kopitiam had been cordoned off.

Several police officers were spotted at the scene.

Witnesses later shared with her that an accident had occurred at the mala store and the cook had burned his arms and legs.

Following that, Madam Lin witnessed the man being pushed away on a wheelchair by two paramedics.

Source: Shin Min Daily News on Facebook

His arms, left shoulder, and right leg were bandaged. According to Madam Lin, the man’s injuries seemed rather serious.

Cause of fire suspected to be unattended stove

Shin Min Daily News reported that when the fire broke out, other stalls in the kopitiam shuttered up.

At least three SCDF vehicles were spotted on site.

Another staff member from the mala stall shared that there were three employees in the store at the time of the incident.

However, only the supervisor was in the kitchen then.

The other employees did not hear much but when he reemerged from the kitchen, his arms and neck were allegedly already injured.

The kopitiam manager, Mr Lee, said it is believed that the man had forgotten to turn the stove off before going to the cashier.

When he returned, the fire had already broken out.

SCDF conveys one person to hospital

In response to MS News’ queries, the SCDF said they were alerted to the fire at 70 Woodlands Avenue 7 at around 10.45am.

The fire had involved contents of a kitchen in the first floor coffee shop.

Source: Google Maps

Prior to SCDF’s arrival, the fire was extinguished by the sprinkler system in the coffee shop.

30 people had also self-evacuated before they arrived.

The SCDF later conveyed one person to Singapore General Hospital and the cause of the fire is under investigation.

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Featured image adapted from Twitter and Google Maps.

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