S’pore Civil Servants To Get 0.6-Month Year-End Bonus, Junior Officers Will Receive Up To S$800 More

S'pore Civil Servants To Get 0.6-Month Year-End Bonus, Junior Officers Will Receive Up To S$800 More

Civil Servants In Singapore To Receive 0.6-Month Year-End Bonus

All civil servants in Singapore will be getting a 0.6-month year-end bonus from the Government.

Officers in certain grades will also receive an additional lump sum of up to S$800.

This was announced via a press release by the Public Service Division (PSD) on Monday (27 Nov).

In addition, all civil servants will be paid the Non-Pensionable Annual Allowance, also known as the 13th month.

0.6-month year-end bonus for all civil servants

The PSD has confirmed that all civil servants in Singapore will be receiving a year-end Annual Variable Component (AVC) of 0.6 months in 2023.

This is a slight decrease from 2022 when civil servants received a 1.1-month year-end bonus.

year-end bonus

There will also be an additional one-time payment for officers in certain grades.

Those in grades equivalent to MX13(I) and MX14 will get S$400.

On the other hand, officers in grades equivalent to MX15 and MX16, as well as those in the Operations Support Scheme (OSS), will receive S$800.

The Government will also pay the 13th-month allowance of one month to all civil servants.

Government adopts ‘progressive approach to year-end payment’

In its press release, the PSD noted that this year-end payment follows the latest National Wages Council (NWC) guidelines.

It also takes into account the fact that Singapore’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected to come in at around 1% in 2023, as forecast by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI).

The revised forecast, the PSD explained, takes into consideration the following:

  • Labour market outlook
  • Subdued external demand for the rest of the year
  • Continued downside risks arising from geopolitical tensions

In line with the NWC’s recommendations, the Government will continue to adopt a progressive approach in determining the AVC for civil servants.

Combined with the 0.3-month mid-year bonus that civil servants received a few months ago, this means that they received a full-year AVC of 0.9 months in 2023.

Officers in grades up to MX13(I) and equivalent will receive a total additional lump sum of up to S$1,200 in 2023.

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