Wang Leehom’s Ex-Wife Allegedly Told To Retract Accusations So She Can Have Their Condo

Wang Leehom’s Ex-Wife Lee Jinglei Expresses Disappointment In 2nd Letter

What started as a divorce announcement between Wang Leehom and his now ex-wife Lee Jinglei has escalated into a full-blown melodrama of cheating allegations and heartbreak.

Wang Leehom’s Wife Reveals Infidelity Allegations After Singer Announces Divorce

Throwing more spice into the cauldron was rumours of BY2’s Yumi Bai’s involvement—the 29-year-old Singaporean singer was believed to be one of the people Wang had an affair with.

Now, Wang’s father is also entangled in the turmoil. He apparently told the media that Lee had compelled Wang into marriage when she was pregnant with their 1st child.

Lee has posted yet another letter on her Instagram in response to this.

Here’s what we know of the latest chain of events.

Lee Jinglei disappointed in Wang’s handling of the scandal

According to Lee’s latest Instagram post, she found it saddening that Wang’s father, who at the ripe old age of 80, has to speak untruths to defend his 45-year-old son.

She said it’s only right that one takes responsibility for their actions as adults.

However, she claimed that Wang chose to hide behind his father. She believed that her ex-father-in-law wouldn’t have thought of approaching the media with his statement without directions from Wang himself.

She said she couldn’t understand why Wang would continue to take the wrong steps instead of facing the music.

Wrong has been done, but as long as you’re willing to own up and make amends, I’m sure you will rise again and stop making the same mistakes.

Lee remarked that it was regrettable to see the father of her children having no feelings of remorse nor the intention to apologise.

Receives text asking her to say her accusations were groundless

Lee revealed that she received a text instead, telling her to retract her accusations and admit that she wasn’t of sound mind.


In return, Wang would let her keep the condominium where she and her kids are currently staying.

After years of knowing each other, Lee said she couldn’t believe that Wang still did not know that she wasn’t someone who could be bought by money.

The funniest part was, I actually seriously considered helping you by sacrificing my reputation to save your career, only because I care about you.

“You’re still selfish and believe that my reputation and future are not as significant as yours,” she noted.

Lee Jinglei makes a lengthy retort against Wang’s father’s claims

On Saturday (18 Dec), Wang Leehom’s father had written a letter addressed to the Taiwanese media, suggesting that Wang’s marriage life of 7 years was akin to “a life in hell”.

He also pointed fingers at Lee for blackmailing his son into marrying her, alleging that she had threatened to tell the press about her pregnancy if they did not tie the knot.

Wang Leehom’s father’s letter to Taiwanese media

Lee then addressed these points:

  • When they were dating, Wang wanted to get married and have kids as soon as possible. Hence, they did not use contraception.
  • As a 37-year-old then, Wang would’ve known the consequences. And as expected, she ended up getting pregnant.
  • Wang was happy to hear the news at first.
  • But after breaking the news to his parents, he ended up asking her if she could opt for an abortion instead.
  • Alternatively, she could choose to give birth, but there will be no marriage.

She was disappointed and said that getting an abortion was not an option for her. She refused to be a single mother as well, as it would bring her family shame.

Then, she gave Wang 2 choices:

  • They follow their original plan and get married, and move back to Taiwan to build a family together
  • She would “hide alone” and look after the kid herself.

Emphasised that Wang’s father’s claims were untruthful

After going through a tumultuous time and having multiple difficult conversations with his family, Lee said Wang chose to marry her in the end.


When she saw her ex-father-in-law accusing her of wanting to tell the press about her pregnancy so Wang would feel pressured to marry her, Lee stressed that this was a blatant lie.

How can a 37-year-old successful and educated man be blackmailed into marriage?

“And if he wasn’t willing in the first place, how could we have given birth to our 2nd and 3rd child?” she asked.

Demands apology by 3pm, 19 Dec

Lee’s last pertinent point was a retort to Wang senior’s claims that his son was a good and honourable man.

She said there were a lot of things he did not know.

He didn’t even tell you about his affairs. Then did he tell you about the time he spent with prostitutes?

Lee ended her post by demanding an apology from Wang Senior by 3pm today (19 Dec). Otherwise, she will not hesitate to sue Wang and his father for defamation.

Hope that everyone can seek an amicable resolution

Marital strifes often cause a great deal of stress on everyone involved.

Although the drama reported in the media so far are primarily he-said-she-said accounts, we must bear in mind that there are always 2 sides to the story.

No matter, we hope that Wang senior and Lee Jinglei can settle their differences without the need for legal action.

And more importantly, we hope that Lee and Wang Leehom can have open and honest conversations with each other to lessen the pain caused to their loved ones, especially their kids.

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Featured image adapted from Elle HK and Instagram.

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