Woman Found With Slit Throat & Young Child Standing Nearby In Johor, Police Investigating Incident

Woman In Johor Found With Slit Throat On 19 Oct

On Wednesday (19 Oct), a woman was found with a slit throat on a farm in Johor, with her alleged son standing next to her.

According to Sin Chew Daily, the 35-year-old woman was still alive when a garden owner passed by and found her.

Next to her was a young boy with blood all over him, who stood there motionless.

The garden owner ran off to find help and contacted the police, but unfortunately, the woman passed away later.

Woman with slit throat gestured for help

The garden owner, who was not identified, was preparing to head home at about 7.30pm when he saw a boy standing next to a motorcycle.

He told Sin Chew Daily that he initially thought that someone’s motorcycle had turned over and was in need of help.

To his shock, he found an Indian woman lying on the roadside with her throat cut open.

Although she could not speak, she gestured to him to seek help.

Meanwhile, the boy was standing next to her, frozen to the spot.

According to Oriental Daily, the 5-year-old was the deceased’s son. However, no other sources have corroborated this yet.

The young boy reportedly had blood all over him and is believed to have witnessed the attack.

Woman passed away after police arrived

After stumbling upon the woman, the garden owner sought help from a security guard nearby.

Sin Chew Daily reported that he waited at the booth for the police to arrive before departing the scene.

He also informed the guard that he may be contacted if any assistance was needed.

However, he was later informed that the woman had passed away, and later made his way to the police station with his son to record his statement.

According to Oriental Daily, locals said the woman bred cattle at the farm and was on her way home when the attack took place.

Police investigating attack

After news of the woman’s attack broke, rumours were rife that she was killed by someone she knew due to a family dispute.

Others speculated that she was a victim of a robbery.

Segamat police chief Superintendent Ahmad Zamry Marinsah stated that police are now investigating the matter.

He declined to comment further but said a public statement will be given if the culprit is found.

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Featured image adapted from Sin Chew Daily and Google Maps.

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