Woman In China Temporarily Goes Blind In Right Eye Due To Excessive Use Of Mobile Phone

Woman In China Temporarily Goes Blind In Right Eye Due To Excessive Use Of Mobile Phone

Woman In China Goes Temporarily Blind In Right Eye After Lying On Her Side While Using Mobile Phone

Spending time on our mobile phones can be a habit that’s hard to kick for most of us.

This, however, can be damaging to our health, as a recent case in China exhibited recently.

A woman temporarily lost vision in her right eye after lying on her side while using her mobile phone for too long.

It led to the development of lesions in the fundus of her eye, which resulted in her condition.

She has now taken to using healthcare products in the hopes that they will assist with improving her eyesight.

Woman in China goes blind in right eye due to mobile phone usage

According to NetEase News, the case happened in the city of Zhangjiajie in the Hunan province.

A 24-year-old woman known as “Xiao Shen” would spend long periods of time lying on her right side while using her mobile phone in bed.

Source: Getty Images via Cosmopolitan, for illustration purposes only

With a highly myopic eyesight of 600 degrees in her right eye and 300 degrees in her left, this proved problematic for her health.

Unfortunately, she did not stop with the habit, continuing to use her mobile phone and read books in this manner.

On 23 Aug, Xiao Shen was stunned to discover that she had lost all vision in her right eye after work.

Source: Weibo

The next day, however, she regained her sight and immediately approached a doctor for assistance.

The doctor diagnosed her with having lesions on the fundus — or interior surface — of her eyes in a leopard-spot pattern, with those in her right being particularly severe.

Condition can be difficult to treat

According to an article on JAMA Network, these lesions, which are round in size, may appear with peripheral dark spots, culminating in a pattern resembling leopard spots.

Source: Weibo

Most people do not sustain such lesions under normal circumstances, 8world News reports.

The doctor attending to Xiao Shen’s case explained that this condition usually develops in patients with myopia exceeding 1,000 degrees.

In more severe situations, it can even lead to blindness.

Additionally, the condition is difficult to treat, either by medicine or surgery.

Explaining Xiao Shen’s case further, the doctor said that her habit of using her mobile phone in the dark while lying on her side would have contributed to her deteriorating eyesight.

Following her visit to the doctor, Xiao Shen began using healthcare products such as lutein, an antioxidant for eyesight protection, as well as fish oil in an effort to improve her condition.

In addition, she has been planning to attend an eye exam every six months to monitor any changes in her vision.

Also read: 9-Year-Old Girl In China Likes Using Phone For Hours, Diagnosed With Unusually Straight Spine

9-Year-Old Girl In China Likes Using Phone For Hours, Diagnosed With Unusually Straight Spine

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Featured image adapted from Getty Images via Cosmopolitan, for illustration purposes only.

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