Coffee machine sent for repairs in Thailand houses a graveyard of cockroaches

Man finds mass grave of cockroaches in coffee machine sent for repairs

A single cockroach can reduce even the toughest man into a sobbing mess calling for his mama.

So just imagine the reaction from a repairman who received a coffee machine that housed not one cockroach, but a whole army of them.

The fact that they were dead did not make this discovery less horrifying.

It turns out that roaches have a peculiar fondness for coffee that might make you reconsider your caffeine addiction.

Cockroaches packed like sardines in coffee machine

When the man behind the Facebook page Koff Street received a coffee machine for repairs, no one could predict the sight that was about to greet him.

After languishing in storage for years, the coffee machine was brought in for repairs.

The client had informed the repairman that none of the buttons on the machine were responsive.

Upon opening up the machine, the repairman quickly discovered the reason behind the malfunction.

Inside the machine lay a grim and gross scene — a cluster of dead cockroaches packed tightly together like sardines.

coffee machine cockroaches

Source: Postjung

If the pictures weren’t shocking enough, the repairman told Khaosod that there were even more roaches than depicted in the photo.

Fortunately, he also said that this is a rare case — coffee machines used regularly are unlikely to become infested to this extent.

This particular machine was only infested to this degree because it was left in storage for a long time.

Therefore, those who love coffee and hate cockroaches can breathe a sigh of relief. Right?

Do roaches have a thing for coffee?

Cockroaches and coffee seem to share a complex relationship.

Source: Erik Karits on Unsplash

A 2019 study suggests that certain coffee aromas are irresistible to cockroaches, while other research indicates that the taste of coffee can actually act as a deterrent for these pests.

One thing we know for sure is this: according to Snopes, the story of cockroaches infiltrating coffee originated from a 2009 anecdote.

A caffeine-addicted college advisor would allegedly spend 45 minutes travelling just to buy freshly ground coffee.

This was because he had developed a severe allergy to cockroaches and was getting reactions from drinking pre-ground coffee.

As it turns out, according to Dr Karan Raj from the United Kingdom (UK), pre-ground coffee often contains traces of cockroach matter.

So if you get the squick from knowing that, you might want to consider grinding your own coffee beans from now on.

Also read: Customer allegedly finds cockroach in Mr Bean drink, company investigating matter

Customer allegedly finds cockroach in Mr Bean drink, company investigating matter

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Featured image adapted from Postjung and Erik Karits on Unsplash

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