Woman rushes in front of traffic to save injured mynah along Zion Road

Woman rescues injured mynah from oncoming traffic along Zion Road

On Wednesday (26 June), the SG Road Vigilante – SGRV Facebook page posted a heartwarming video of a woman rescuing an injured mynah along Zion Road.

The video showed the woman rushing in front of a stopped car to save the bird from oncoming traffic.

Netizens have applauded the woman’s brave and kind act.

Woman saves injured mynah

According to SGRV, the incident occurred on Wednesday (26 June) at 7.54am along Zion Road.

The clip showed a mynah sitting in the middle of the road, seemingly unfazed by moving cars and other pedestrians.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

Seeing as the mynah may have been injured, a woman at a nearby bus stop rushes onto the road in an attempt to rescue the bird.

Dashcam footage from a car that stopped along the road showed the woman carefully picking the bird up and removing it from the road.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

Netizens praise heroic act

After watching the video, many Facebook users commended the woman for her heroic act.

Source: Facebook

Others also praised the driver of the car for patiently waiting for the woman to move the injured bird.

Source: Facebook

Overall, netizens hoped others would learn from the woman’s kind act.

Source: Facebook

Also read: Man climbs out of 5th-floor flat in Punggol to rescue kitten stuck on windowsill

Man climbs out of 5th-floor flat in Punggol to rescue kitten stuck on windowsill

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Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

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