Policewoman in Indonesia allegedly sets husband on fire for gambling away 13th-month bonus

Policewoman in Indonesia burns husband to death for gambling bonus away

Angry that her husband gambled away his 13th-month bonus, a policewoman in Indonesia allegedly burned her husband — also a police officer — alive.

Before setting her husband on fire, 28-year-old Fadhilatun Nikmah reportedly threatened to burn their children if he didn’t come home.

Fadhilatun was charged with domestic violence and faces up to 15 years’ jail.

Buys gasoline & threatens to burn children

According to CNN Indonesia, Fadhilatun — a policewoman in Mojokerto, East Java — bought gasoline in a plastic bottle and stored it at her police dormitory.

Source: @liputannetindo on X

While her husband, Rian Dwi Wicaksono, was on duty, Fadhilatun sent a photo of the gasoline bottle and threatened to burn their children if he didn’t return home.

Rian arrived home soon after and Fadhilatun hurried him into the house and proceeded to lock the door.

The couple subsequently got into an argument after Fadhilatun asked Rian how he spent his 13th-month bonus.

Prior to the incident, Fadhilatun discovered that Rian only had 800,000 rupiah (S$66) in his bank account despite having just received his bonus, which amounted to 2.8 million rupiah (S$230).

After learning that Rian had gambled the money away, Fadhilatun handcuffed him to a foldable ladder and set him on fire.

A neighbour who heard Rian’s cries for help immediately entered the garage and helped extinguish the fire.

The neighbour then called for an ambulance and reported the incident to the police.

Husband sustained burns to 96% of body

According to Weirdkaya, Rian sustained burns to 96% of his body.

indonesia policewoman burned husband

Source: @liputannetindo on X

Despite receiving intensive treatment, Rian succumbed to his injuries on Sunday (9 June).

Commissioner Dirmanto, Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police, said that Fadhilatun burned her husband as he often spent money on online gambling.

The money was supposed to be used to support their three children.

Fadhilatun has been charged with domestic violence. Investigations are ongoing.

Also read: S’pore Man Stabs Pregnant Wife To Death After Receiving Poor Financial Report, Jailed 7 Years

S’pore Man Stabs Pregnant Wife To Death After Receiving Poor Financial Report, Jailed 7 Years

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Featured image adapted from @liputannetindo on X.

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