Fight Breaks Out On Bangkok-Kolkata Flight After Passenger Refuses To Sit Upright, Airline Apologises

Passengers Fight On Thai Smile Airways Flight After Man Refuses To Keep Seat Upright During Take-off

During take-off for any flight, passengers must adhere to a few cardinal rules. Stowing your bag away and keeping your seat upright are just some of these regulations.

Unfortunately, a man did not quite get the memo during his flight. He insisted on reclining his seat, leading to an altercation between him and his fellow passengers.

The incident went viral on social media, and the airline has apologised for the incident.

Fight occurs between passengers on Thai Smile Airways flight

Footage of the fight first circulated on Twitter, with the OP stating that it occurred on a flight travelling between Bangkok and India on 27 Dec.

In the video, an air stewardess and passenger confront a man standing in his seat.

fight thai smile airways

Source: Twitter

The conversation gradually grows more heated until several other passengers arrive, causing a fight between them to break out.

Source: Twitter

The post has since gone viral on Twitter, with more than three million views at the time of writing.

Passenger refused to recline his seat

A report by the Times Of India has shed more clarity on the situation.

The incident occurred on a Bangkok-Kolkata flight under Thai Smile Airways at around 1am Singapore time on 28 Dec.

A passenger at 37C had reclined his seat during take-off and refused to put it upright as per regulation, claiming he had “backache”.

“There were passengers seated on seats 38A, B and C,” a spokesperson for the airline said. “The crew tried explaining that the seat must be in an upright position so as not to hinder the path of passengers seated behind him in case of an evacuation.”

When told he would be reported to the pilot, the passenger said, “Tell him. I am not scared.”

At this juncture, others grew irritated by his behaviour. They confronted him, resulting in a tussle.

The crew attempted to stop the fight, and the pilot delayed take-off in light of the situation. Eventually, the situation was de-escalated, and the passengers returned to their seats.

No one had sustained any serious injuries, although the man in 37C had suffered a few minor ones.

Airline apologises for incident

The rest of the flight continued smoothly, with the passenger straightening up his seat during take-off, Thai Smile Airways told Times of India.

The passengers involved in the fight were kept under watch, and the cabin crew imposed an alcohol ban on the man in 37C. Those in 37A and B were also offered a seat change, which they declined.

In a tweet on 29 Dec, the airline apologised for the incident.

Source: Twitter

“We reaffirm that the incident has been taken care of as we followed the flight safety procedures in accordance with international standards,” they said. “Our flight crews have already provided support to the persons affected by an incident.”

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