NTU creates advanced Artificially Intelligent humanoid On 29 Dec 2015, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) revealed a new employee — Nadine, a receptionist working on campus. She looks almost like a human being with her brunette hair and soft skin. Source Almost. Except she is social robot. And… She looks as creepy as hell. How does Nadine work? Nadine is powered by smart programs similar to Siri from Apple and Cortana from Microsoft. According to a SciShow youtube video, the programs “run on massive servers that can handle huge amounts of information”. These servers store vocabulary and speech recognition software, allowing the Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make records of what people have said and what it responded with. From there, it can learn from these previous records on how to communicate with humans. Just look at that robot shake hands and answer human beings in this disturbing preview. Why is Nadine creepy? If robots and humanoids scare the heck out of you, you might be suffering from Automatonophobia — where people get disturbed or insecure after seeing wax figures and humanoids. This discomfort is also known as uncanny valley, which arises from how something creates familiarity due to its humanlike appearance but falls short by a smidgen. A […]
9 years ago