Singaporeans Regard Pigeons As Pests While An All-White Kingfisher Gets VIP Treatment Two men made headlines recently after being fined $1500 and $450 for feeding pigeons on Monday (2 Jul). According to the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA), offenders caught feeding pigeons may be issued fines of up to $500, under the Animals and Birds (Pigeons) Rules. Source Yet, over at East Coast Park, another bird is getting a completely different type of attention. First discovered last Wednesday, an all-white Kingfisher has been the talk of the town among nature enthusiasts, attracting 30-50 photographers daily. Source Quite the difference in treatment eh? Here are some quick pigeon facts that will shed some light on why they are viewed so differently by Singaporeans. Poisonous droppings Nicknamed “rats with wings”, pigeons are known to transmit a wide range of diseases through their droppings. Germs and viruses in the droppings may become airborne after they dry and infect surrounding humans. Pigeon droppings are also acidic in nature, and can cause damage to buildings. Seems like we’ve done a pretty good job justifying our hate for pigeons. So what makes this white Kingfisher worth all the attention? Why the hype? Kingfishers are normally known for […]
7 years ago