TXT S’pore Concert Security Staff Distribute Water & Help Fans Collect Confetti, Real Stars Of Show

Fans Praise TXT Concert Security Staff For Thoughtful Gestures During Singapore Concert

Security staff are often associated with being no-nonsense and super strict. After all, it’s their job to maintain order and protect their clients.

However, security staff at K-pop boyband TOMORROW X TOGETHER (TXT’s) Singapore leg of their <ACT: SWEET MIRAGE> tour seemingly debunked such stereotypes by distributing water to those in the standing pen. They also helped to collect confetti off the ground for fans.

@thepininiseries Is this special seevice from ck star??? #txt #txtasm #txtactsweetmirage #txt_bighit_official #txtsingapore ♬ Moa dairy sped up – 👤?

One concertgoer acknowledged the staff members’ effort by posting a TikTok video of them hard at work during the concert last Saturday (1 Apr).

TXT concert staff steal the spotlight with thoughtfulness

In her video, the OP, Suzy, shared that seeing TXT in the flesh for three hours was special enough, but the staff members working behind the scenes made the concert “even brighter”.

Source: @thepininiseries on TikTok

In response to MS News‘ queries, Suzy shared that she has attended almost every K-pop concert in Singapore this year.

However, a security officer near standing pen D made the TXT concert exceptionally special by going the extra mile to fulfil fans’ requests.

He picked up ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’ money for the fans, even though it was not part of his job scope.

For context, ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’ money are paper stage props that members of the band toss at the audience whenever they perform the song ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’.

Source: Mecari

Due to the nature of the performance, the number of notes available is limited. As such, fans often vie to get their hands on the props to keep as mementoes.

Presumably not aware of this, the elderly security guard did not hesitate and made repeated trips to pick up the ‘notes’ for fans.

Source: @thepininiseries on TikTok

Suzy told MS News that the security guard also picked up an autographed ball a member threw towards the audience, and passed it to a fan.

Furthermore, staff members also walked around offering fans water.

Bringing in drinks is usually prohibited at concert venues, so this was probably a much-appreciated gesture for those parched from cheering continuously.

Source: @thepininiseries on TikTok

Towards the end of the concert, the security officer even used a box to collect confetti from the floor. He then passed the confetti to fans who wanted some for keepsakes.

Another security staff member can also be seen kneeling to pick up confetti a short distance away, presumably to pass to fans as well.

Source: @thepininiseries on TikTok

Fans thank security staff for going the extra mile

In the comments sections, fellow MOAs chipped in by sharing other heartwarming gestures by staff at the concert.

One shared that a female security officer braved the rain to help shelter fans while they were entering the venue.

Source: TikTok

Another added that the concert staff even gave out chocolates and sweets to fans before the concert.

Source: TikTok

One other TikTok user also revealed that they spotted the same security staff passing out the ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’ money outside the venue — a sweet gesture to involve those who did not manage to get tickets to the sold-out concert.

Source: TikTok

Kudos to the amazing staff at the concert for going the extra mile for fans and giving them a better overall experience.

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Featured image adapted from @thepininiseries on TikTok

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