16-Month-Old Baby In Indonesia Weighs 27kg & Wears XXXL Diapers
For most people, obesity is an issue they face as they enter adulthood. But that doesn’t mean children are completely immune to the problem too.
A baby in Indonesia apparently weighs a staggering 27kg despite being just 16 months old.
Source: Buletin iNews on YouTube
Turns out, the baby was fed sweetened condensed milk rather than breast milk due to the mother’s medical history.
16-month-old baby in Bandung weighs 27kg
Muhammad Kenzie Alfaro is a 16-month-old baby from Bandung, West Java.
While it’s not unusual for babies his age to be chubby in appearance, Kenzie’s staggering size may render such a description insufficient.
Despite having celebrated his first birthday about four months ago, Kenzie weighs in at a staggering 27kg.
For context, 16-month-old babies have an average weight of about 10.5kg, according to the World Health Organisation.
But Kenzie wasn’t big all his life. According to CNN Indonesia, he weighed 4kg at birth, which is just slightly above the average weight of a newborn.
Fed sweetened condensed milk instead of breast milk
As he was growing up, Kenzie was reportedly not given breast milk due to his mother’s medical history which prevented her from producing milk.
Instead, he was given diluted sweetened condensed milk, reports detikHealth.
Sweetened condensed milk, being a more affordable option, also appealed to the family, who allegedly faced financial problems.
According to Liputan6, Kenzie’s mother Pitriah noticed Kenzie gaining weight at around the age of six months,
Since 6 months, [Kenzie’s weight] started to go up a kilo, a kilo. It keeps on increasing.
Since turning seven months old, Kenzie was also taught to consume baby porridge and snacks.
Wears XXXL-size diapers & has protruding belly & ‘swollen’ limbs
A video posted on newsflare shows Kenzie’s small mouth squeezed between his two round cheeks.
Source: newsflare
The 16-month-old baby also has a protruding belly and limbs that appear swollen.
Source: newsflare
Kenzie’s relatively large size comes with its fair share of practical issues.
When it comes to clothes, for example, Kenzie has no choice but to wear clothes meant for a 10-year-old child.
He also has to wear XXXL-sized diapers, a commodity his mother claims to not be readily available, noted CNN Indonesia.
Kenzie’s parents apparently have to wheel him around in a stroller as they’re not strong enough to carry him.
Source: CNN Indonesia on YouTube
According to The Sun, healthcare workers have been conducting routine checkups on Kenzie since last December.
He is currently undergoing tests at a hospital in a bid to help him shed weight.
However, it’s unclear if Kenzie’s weight gain was a result of any underlying health conditions.
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Featured image adapted from newsflare.