Admit it, you played these games while the teacher’s back was turned In primary school, trips to the computer laboratory were always anticipated because that meant a chance to play games! I mean, that’s all kids could think about when it came to using the computer anyway, even though teachers clearly had different ideas. Many a class conducted in the computer lab was spent playing one or more of these games which were all the rage when I was in primary/secondary school — behind the backs of the teachers, of course. You weren’t a cool kid if you didn’t play at least one of those games sneakily while the teacher wasn’t paying attention. Or maybe I was just a really naughty kid. Here they are, in no particular order. 1. Runescape Before World of Warcraft became the largest MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) in the world, there was Runescape. The nominally free MMORPG by Jagex (you could pay a fee to unlock new stuff unavailable to free users) was quite a hit back in the day, at least before Maple Story started to dominate the market. Being hosted online made it easy for kids to access their accounts from any PC, […]
10 years ago