Cat Wanders Into Bedok Reservoir Home, Resident Allergic To Animals Urgently Seeks Owners

Cat Enters Bedok Reservoir Home, Vet Did Not Find Microchip On Him

Cats are inquisitive creatures that enjoy the roaming around even if they have a place to call home.

So, it’s not too surprising to hear of cases where cats accidentally wander into other hooman‘s abodes.

On Tuesday (8 Dec), a beige long-haired cat allegedly entered a flat in the Bedok Reservoir estate.


Later that day, one of the residents took to Facebook in an urgent bid to reunite the feline with its owners.


Cat wanders into Bedok Reservoir HDB on 8 Dec

According to the Facebook post, the cat wandered into the HDB apartment in the Bedok Reservoir estate.


The block number of the HDB in question is apparently in the 600s, so chances are its located south of Bedok Reservoir Road near Kaki Bukit MRT. Here’s a clearer picture:


The cat does not appear to be a stray, given his long-haired appearance and unsnipped ears.


The OP later brought the cat to a vet to check for a microchip, but could not find any on him.


Despite being allegedly “allergic to animals”, the OP’s family has bought “treats” to feed the cat until the owner steps up.


However, in the event where nobody ‘claims’ the cat by today (9 Dec), the OP shared that the family will \ on whether to keep the cat or not.


The owner of the cat may reach out to the OP via his phone number in the Facebook post here.

Hope the cat will be reunited with its owners soon

Kudos to the OP and his family for taking in the cat for the time being despite their allergies.

If you happen to know anyone staying in the Bedok Reservoir estate who owns a cat bearing resemblance to that in the pictures, share this with them and check if theirs had gone missing.

We hope the cat will be reunited with its owners soon.

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Featured image adapted from Facebook.

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