Esme The Guide Dog Passes Away, Owner Bids Goodbye After 8 Years Of Service

Esme The Retired Guide Dog Passes Away Aged 10

The elder guide dog who retired after 8 years, Esme, has passed away on 21 Aug. She had her own Facebook page which chronicled her life, allowing Singaporeans to get to know about guide dogs’ existences.

Her long-time owner, Cassandria Chiu, shared the heartbreaking news along with a tribute to all that she’s done over the years.

From being a trailblazer for many guide dogs after her, to being the companion and eyes of Ms Chiu, no amount of words can express what Esme meant.


Born on 1 Jan 2010 in Australia, Esme was described as goofy and playful, yet served with distinction as Ms Chiu’s guide dog.

Became companion

For Ms Chiu, Esme was the one who gave her independence acting as her guide dog.

She no longer required the assistance of a cane or others to guide her, as Esme could guide her skillfully.

However, Singapore wasn’t used to guide dogs back then, and they faced many obstacles getting around the island due to public access restrictions.


There was also a lack of understanding over the role that guide dogs play for the visually-impaired, as some saw Esme as merely a pet.

Ms Chiu dreamed of the day when guide dogs would become accepted, and Esme turned out to pave the way for others who’d come after her.

Retired after 8 years

Although Esme could navigate any country they visited with ease, Ms Chiu noticed that the doggo was starting to lose her way and become tired after a short walk.

Thus, she had to make the painful decision for Esme to retire and allow her to live out her remaining years to the fullest.


MS News featured Ms Chiu’s second guide dog, Elke, which you can view here.

Singapore’s ‘Invisible’ Community – Blind With A Guide Dog

Esme was adopted by a good friend in Apr 2019, whose family gave her an indulgent lifestyle and loving lifestyle.

Esme and Elke would even play together at times.

Esme’s health complications

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, Ms Chiu was unable to visit Esme as often.

On Tuesday (12 Aug), Esme’s new family told her that she’d developed a limp in her left hind leg.

Vets found swollen lymph nodes and a lump at the base of her pelvis, which after a second opinion was revealed as malignant.

Her pain was noticeably growing, but painkillers and invasive surgeries were not recommended as she was only 10, even as her condition worsened.

Saying goodbye

Eventually, she had to be rushed to the vets on 21 Aug due to internal bleeding.

Even though Ms Chiu could not bear to lose her companion for over 8 years, Esme was in too much pain and she allowed her to be put down.

She went beyond being a normal pet — Esmehad been with Ms Chiu throughout all of her travels, allowing her to reach places she couldn’t have on her own.

Esme also gave legs to other disabled people and allowed for their inclusion in society.

Surely, even an essay like this could not do her justice, Ms Chiu wrote.

Goodbye and thank you for your service, Esme

Esme has touched all who she encountered, a testament to what a good girl she’s been.

We hope that she’s now in peace at last and that she continues to watch over everyone.

MS News offers our condolences to Esme’s loved ones and may she rest in peace.

Featured image adapted from Facebook and Facebook.

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