Gojek Cuts Grace Period For Rides To 4 Mins & Introduces S$3 Waiting Fee

Gojek Shortens Grace Period & Implements Waiting Fee From 26 Sep

On Monday (19 Sep), Gojek announced that they will be imposing a waiting time charge and a four-minute grace period for passengers to reach their pickup points.

Source: Paultan.org

The S$3 waiting fee will be implemented from Monday (26 Sep) onwards.

Previously, Gojek had a five-minute grace period for passengers to make a free cancellation.

This news comes two months after its ride-hailing competitor Grab introduced a three-minute waiting period for rides as well as a waiting fee.

S$3 waiting fee after 4 minutes grace period

Gojek announced on their website that they will be cutting their grace period for passengers to make a free cancellation down to four minutes from 26 Sep.

In tandem with this, there will now be a S$3 waiting fee. This applies if passengers cancel the booking four minutes after a driver has been matched or as soon as the driver arrives at the pickup location.

It is also applicable if the driver cancels the ride after waiting for over four minutes at the pickup point. A driver will not be able to cancel the ride before the four-minute mark without being penalised.

After four minutes, another S$3 penalty applies to passengers for every five additional minutes the driver has to wait.

gojek waiting fee

Source: Gojek

The waiting fee is capped at S$9 and applies to all Gojek trips on the platform except GoTaxi.

gojek waiting fee

Source: Gojek

Do note that this amount cannot be offset or paid for with vouchers.

Fee helps ensure smooth experience for all users

To avoid any waiting fees, Gojek advises passengers to only make a booking when they are ready to get going.

They should also ensure that they will be at the pick-up location within four minutes from when their driver has arrived.

On their website, Gojek said these fees will make for a smooth experience for all users of their platform, including passengers and drivers.

This way, drivers will also be fairly compensated for their time and effort.

However, in the case where passengers are wrongly charged for waiting or cancellation fees, they can request a review on the Gojek app.

Gojek’s move to implement waiting fees comes two months after Grab cut their grace period for passengers from five to three minutes in July.

Grab Cuts Waiting Times For Rides To 3 Mins, New Grace Period Starts On 18 Jul

Grab currently charges a S$3 penalty for every block of three minutes that a passenger makes a driver wait.

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Featured image adapted from Paultan.org.

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